The Bible For Young People Vol. 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.9 stars; 8 reviews)

"The Bible for Young People tells the sweet and simple stories of the Bible in the Bible language, omitting only genealogies and doctrines, and whatever is generally regarded as unprofitable to young readers. Moreover, it is so divided into subjects, forming complete stories, that the child will be interested in every part of it. ...

Verse divisions have been disregarded, and a totally new system of chapters introduced in place of the familiar ones, and it is hoped that this novelty will give fresh interest to the old book. One of the features which will be appreciated is the table of contents, giving the subject of each book and its subdivisions, so that one may readily turn to any Bible story of which he is in search.

With great discrimination and sympathy, the compiler, Mrs. Joseph B. Gilder, has accomplished this task, and the book now stands as the embodiment of what is universally considered the best in the Bible for young people, "best" meaning here what is most suited to the minds of girls and boys and appropriate to their moral range. " Volume 1 comprises the stories of the Old Testament. - Publisher's note (20 hr 19 min)


The Creation Of The World 6:09 Read by Lynne T
The Creation Of Adam And Eve 3:42 Read by David Lawrence
The Sin Of Adam And Eve 5:14 Read by David Lawrence
The Murder Of Abel 3:50 Read by Kitty Halbert
The Flood 6:56 Read by Raybrite
The Ark Rests On Ararat 6:45 Read by Raybrite
The Tower Of Babel 1:57 Read by Raybrite
The Call Of Abram 13:42 Read by Adam Krell
Destruction Of Sodom 10:05 Read by Gabriela Cowan
Hagar And Ishmael 3:22 Read by Raybrite
Abraham's Sacrifice 3:48 Read by vrodcruiser
The Death And Burial Of Sarah 3:43 Read by Raybrite
How Rebekah Became Isaac's Wife 12:34 Read by Raybrite
Jacob And Esau 13:09 Read by Raybrite
Jacob And Rachel 8:29 Read by Raybrite
Jacob And Laban 10:52 Read by Raybrite
Meeting Of Jacob And Esau 8:58 Read by Raybrite
The Birth Of Benjamin 4:09 Read by vrodcruiser
Joseph And His Brethren 12:33 Read by Raybrite
Joseph Before Pharaoh 8:28 Read by Raybrite
The Famine 7:22 Read by Raybrite
Benjamin Brought To Joseph 15:56 Read by Raybrite
Israel Goes Down Into Egypt 8:46 Read by Raybrite
The Death Of Jacob 6:23 Read by Raybrite
The Burial Of Jacob 4:48 Read by Raybrite
The Finding Of Moses 6:21 Read by Raybrite
The Burning Bush 10:04 Read by Raybrite
The Israelites In Bondage 8:14 Read by Raybrite
The Plagues Of Blood And Frogs 4:04 Read by Beth Thomas (1974-2020)
The Plagues Of Lice, Flies, Murrain And Boils 4:14 Read by Beth Thomas (1974-2020)
The Plague Of Hail 3:39 Read by Beth Thomas (1974-2020)
The Plagues Of Locusts And Darkness 4:52 Read by Beth Thomas (1974-2020)
The Tenth Plague: The First-born Of Egypt Slain - The Passover 6:38 Read by Beth Thomas (1974-2020)
The Israelites Go Up Out Of Egypt 5:03 Read by Greg Giordano
The Overwhelming Of The Egyptians 7:53 Read by Lynne T
The Song Of Moses 4:25 Read by Maggie Russell
The Israelites Fed With Manna 7:15 Read by Maggie Russell
Moses Brings Water From The Rock - Moses And His Father-In-Law 8:28 Read by Greg Giordano
The Law Given From Mount Sinai 8:30 Read by Greg Giordano
Moses Called Up Into The Mount 3:56 Read by Greg Giordano
The Tabernacle And The Priesthood 9:32 Read by Lynne T
The People Worship The Golden Calf 7:20 Read by Greg Giordano
The Second Set Of Tables 6:41 Read by Jeff Robinson
The Setting Up Of The Tabernacle 4:24 Read by Jeff Robinson
The Day Of Atonement 4:42 Read by inflected
The People Are Commanded To Be Holy 3:30 Read by inflected
The Feasts Of The Lord 5:25 Read by inflected
The Seventh Year And The Year Of Jubile 5:26 Read by TimoleonWash
The Numbering Of The People 3:18 Read by Jeff Robinson
The Offerings Of The Princes - The Children Of Israel Journey 4:27 Read by Jeff Robinson
The People Murmur 4:29 Read by Natalie Paula
Miriam's Leprosy 2:30 Read by Natalie Paula
The Spies Sent Out 3:59 Read by Greg Giordano
The Israelites Rebel, And Are Turned Back To Wander In The Wilderness 7:55 Read by Greg Giordano
The Rebellion Of Korah 7:54 Read by Greg Giordano
Aaron's Rod 7:15 Read by Greg Giordano
The Brazen Serpent 3:12 Read by inflected
Balak And Balaam 16:20 Read by Greg Giordano
The Israelites Numbered The Second Time 7:40 Read by Robin Cotter
The Death Of Moses 19:16 Read by Deborah Dornberg
Rahab Conceals The Spies 8:53 Read by thestorygirl
The Israelites Pass Over Jordan 9:03 Read by Lynne T
The Siege Of Jericho 5:30 Read by Lynne T
The Trespass Of Achan 6:31 Read by Greg Giordano
The Capture Of Ai 7:09 Read by Church Kids
The Craft Of The Gibeonites 5:23 Read by Lynne T
Joshua Conquers The Kings Of Canaan 6:52 Read by Greg Giordano
Joshua Divides The Land 10:00 Read by Greg Giordano
The People Renew The Covenant 9:58 Read by Greg Giordano
The Israelites Forsake God 5:23 Read by Greg Giordano
Deborah And Barak Deliver Israel 7:43 Read by thestorygirl
Gideon Is Sent To Deliver Israel 14:01 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Jephthah And His Daughter 6:47 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Samson 17:30 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
The Story Of Ruth 15:56 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Samuel 8:23 Read by Robin Cotter
The Philistines Take The Ark 8:21 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
The Israelites Desire A King 4:41 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Saul Anointed King 9:40 Read by Cunmolly
Saul Rejected For Disobedience 6:45 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
David Chosen King 3:50 Read by Adam Krell
David Conquers Goliath 8:28 Read by RLC
David And Jonathan 13:59 Read by Lynne T
Saul Pursues David 9:41 Read by Larry Greene
David Spares Saul's Life The Second Time 6:07 Read by Larry Greene
Saul Consults The Witch Of En-Dor 5:30 Read by Larry Greene
The Death Of Saul 5:50 Read by Larry Greene
David Anointed King 6:24 Read by Larry Greene
David Brings The Ark To Zion 3:39 Read by Larry Greene
David Sends For Mephibosheth 3:11 Read by Larry Greene
David Takes The Wife Of Uriah 7:49 Read by Larry Greene
The Revolt Of Absalom 16:26 Read by Larry Greene
The Death Of Absalom 7:44 Read by Larry Greene
David Brought Back To Jerusalem 4:15 Read by Larry Greene
David's Choice 3:41 Read by Larry Greene
Solomon Annointed King 8:46 Read by Larry Greene
Death Of King David 2:07 Read by Larry Greene
Solomon's Judgment 6:59 Read by Greg Giordano
The Building Of The Temple 7:09 Read by MaryAnne
The Dedication Of The Temple 10:44 Read by MaryAnne
The Queen of Sheba 2:47 Read by Lynne T
Solomon's Riches - He Foresakes The Lord 7:46 Read by Greg Giordano
Rehoboam - The Revolt Of The Ten Tribes 8:47 Read by Deborah Dornberg
Three Kings Of Judah 5:16 Read by Greg Giordano
The Wicked Kings Of Israel 5:12 Read by Greg Giordano
Elijah 5:19 Read by Greg Giordano
Elijah And The Prophets Of Baal 9:52 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
The Still Small Voice 4:58 Read by RLC
Siege Of Samaria 6:58 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Naboth's Vineyard 6:38 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Jehoshaphat, King Of Judah 6:03 Read by Greg Giordano
Ahaziah, King Of Israel 2:35 Read by Greg Giordano
Elijah Taken Up To Heaven 5:07 Read by Greg Giordano
War With The Moabites 6:31 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
The Widow's Oil - The Shunammite 8:45 Read by thestorygirl
Naaman Healed - The Iron Swims 8:52 Read by thestorygirl
Ben-Hadad, King Of Syria, Makes War On Israel 12:18 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Jehu Executes Judgment On The House Of Ahab 12:04 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Joash, King Of Judah 7:21 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Death Of Elisha 4:18 Read by Greg Giordano
Joash And Amaziah 7:50 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Israel Carried Away Captive Into Assyria 4:59 Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
Sennacherib Invades The Land 8:32 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Hezekiah's Sickness 3:53 Read by RLC
Manasseh, Amon, And Josiah 9:23 Read by Ken Masters
The Babylonian Captivity 4:13 Read by Ken Masters
The Return 3:44 Read by Ken Masters
The Second Temple 6:34 Read by Ken Masters
Ezra Goes Up From Babylon 5:56 Read by Ken Masters
The Building Of Jerusalem 13:02 Read by Ken Masters
Esther's Request 12:22 Read by Teresa Bauman
The Advancement Of Mordecai 7:51 Read by Teresa Bauman
Job Smitten 7:03 Read by Greg Giordano
Job's Comforters 30:25 Read by J Korth
The Lord Reasoneth With Job 13:27 Read by TimoleonWash
Psalms 1, 8, 15, 16, 19, 23, 24, 29, 33, 34, 42 18:16 Read by Greg Giordano
Psalms 43, 45, 46, 47, 51, 63 8:30 Read by MaryAnne
Psalms 65, 77, 84, 86, 90, 93 16:05 Read by Greg Giordano
Psalms 95 , 96, 98, 100, 103, 104, 107 20:26 Read by DJRickyV
Psalms 111, 116, 118, 121, 136 8:07 Read by chocmuse
Psalms 138, 139, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150 10:20 Read by MaryAnne
Proverbs 17:55 Read by Greg Giordano
Remember Thy Creator 1:48 Read by Deborah Dornberg
Prophecies Of Isaiah 8:54 Read by Brian Hostick
Promises Of The Messiah And Of Gospel Grace 17:22 Read by Greg Giordano
Good Tidings 11:50 Read by Kristin G.
Words Of Jeremiah 2:44 Read by RLC
The Potter's Vessel 5:07 Read by Chad Schwartz
Jeremiah Is Persecuted 4:06 Read by Greg Giordano
Ezekiel Among The Captives 1:59 Read by Deborah Dornberg
Every Man Judged By His Own Actions 6:27 Read by Greg Giordano
The Valley Of Dry Bones 3:33 Read by Greg Giordano
Daniel And His Three Friends 2:44 Read by Lynne T
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream 9:11 Read by RLC
The Three Hebrews In The Furnace 6:23 Read by Greg Giordano
Belshazzar's Feast 7:10 Read by Greg Giordano
Daniel In The Lion's Den 6:13 Read by Kitty Halbert
Jonah 6:09 Read by Chad Schwartz
Zechariah's Predictions Concerning Christ 1:51 Read by Adam Krell
Malachi's Prophecy Of Christ 1:50 Read by Adam Krell


(4.5 stars)

Im not a Christian, but this was actually really good!!!