From Passion to Peace
James Allen
Read by Audio Andrea

The first three parts of this book, Passion, Aspiration, and Temptation, represent the common human life, with its passion, pathos, and tragedy. The last three parts, Transcendence, Beatitude, and Peace, represents the Divine Life—calm, wise and beautiful—of the sage and Savior. The middle part, Transmutation, is the transitional stage between the two; it is the alchemic process linking the divine with the human life. Discipline, denial, and renunciation do not constitute the Divine State; they are only the means by which it is attained. The Divine Life is established in that Perfect Knowledge which bestows Perfect Peace. - Summary by James Allen (1 hr 3 min)
Forward | 1:58 | Read by Audio Andrea |
Passion | 8:41 | Read by Audio Andrea |
Aspiration | 8:51 | Read by Audio Andrea |
Temptation | 8:32 | Read by Audio Andrea |
Transmutation | 10:31 | Read by Audio Andrea |
Transcendence | 13:27 | Read by Audio Andrea |
Beatitude | 6:31 | Read by Audio Andrea |
Peace | 5:12 | Read by Audio Andrea |
Peace versus passion

Eldon T.
This book by James Allen shows that having peace is very much better than passion. Very enlightening! Thank you, Ms. Fiore for your diligent reading of this book. This is very much appreciated.

G Ravindrababu
Andrea Fiori, (Hope I spelled it right) reads it so well. I listened to this and another book As a man thinketh. Gratitude to you madam for your excellent reading and unselfish work.
Thank you sir.

Passion to peace is one of the greatest books of the writer, I have listened to most of his works, To me they are all instruments.
Remarkable Book

A LibriVox Listener
This is one of transcendent knowledge. All those who seek peace should give this book consideration and contemplation. I have never come across such a beautiful work. It truly teaches life lessons needed to conquer passion, discomfort and turmoil.

A LibriVox Listener
best book on self help empowered ment. beautiful voice narrator.

sahar Ortiz
Excellent book to hear and a lot of knowledge
best app to listen to the world class books

A LibriVox Listener

amazing book, righteousness truly is the way to peace.