Gawayne and the Green Knight (Lewis Translation)
The Gawain Poet, Charlton Miner Lewis and The Gawain Poettranslated Bycharlton Miner Lewis
Read by Betsie Bush

Charlton Miner Lewis' version of Gawayne and the Green Knight, a late 14th century alliterative romance, is written in modern language telling the story of the Green Knight's challenge to Gawayne, and the romance between Sir Gawayne and Lady Elfinheart. The name Gawayne is often also spelled Gawain. (Summary by Betsie Bush) (1 hr 32 min)
Canto I - The Green Knight | 28:07 | Read by Betsie Bush |
Canto II - Elfinhart | 22:24 | Read by Betsie Bush |
Canto III - Gawayne | 28:30 | Read by Betsie Bush |
Canto IV - Conclusion | 13:03 | Read by Betsie Bush |
A very loose adaptation, read well

This is not the medieval *Sir Gawain and the Green Knight*, but instead an Edwardian adaptation of the poem, with new characters and an entirely different poetic scheme. The reading is very good, easy to listen to, and sparkles with the humor of the absurd situation.