Francisco Pizarro and the Conquest of Peru
Frederick A. Ober
Read by Patrick Eaton

Francisco Pizarro (1471 - 1541) was born into poverty, the illegitimate son of a Spanish soldier. After a brief career as a swineherd, he volunteered to join an expedition to the colony of Darien in Panama. He rose through the ranks to become right hand man of the governor. After hearing rumours of a rich country of gold to the south, he received permission from the king of Spain to lead an expedition to explore and attempt to conquer the Peruvian empire. This biography describes how, with an army of only 168 men, he was able to subjugate an entire nation. - Summary by Patrick Eaton (5 hr 13 min)
In the Land of Poisoned Arrows | 16:16 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
With Balboa in Darien | 15:12 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
Sailing the Unknown Sea | 21:43 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
The Desperate Adventurer | 18:23 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
Success in Sight at Last | 14:20 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
An Appeal to the Crown | 15:18 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
On the Peruvian Frontier | 13:56 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
A Glance at the Peruvians | 17:33 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
A March to the Mountains | 14:59 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
In the Inca's Stronghold | 14:25 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
How Atahuallpa was Captured | 18:49 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
The Prisoner and his Ransom | 17:35 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
The Inca and his Murderers | 17:27 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
In the Heart of Peru | 13:57 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
In the City of the Sun | 15:41 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
Quarrels of the Conquerors | 10:37 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
The Inca Raises his Standard | 16:55 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
The Downfall of Almagro | 19:55 | Read by Patrick Eaton |
How Pizarro was Assassinated | 20:18 | Read by Patrick Eaton |

This is a very well written and detailed account of the life and actions of Francisco Pizarro. Even better though is the reader. Bravo! Finally a reader who understands grammar and language usage. I honestly get tired of listening to good books getting read by inept readers. I even started keeping a list of mispronounced words! But not so with this reader, he does an excellent job of not just correctly pronouncing but bringing the words to life for you as you listen.
great story!

loved to be a ble to hear the story of the conquest from the perspective of pizzaros travels. there are biases towards both parties so it is a pretty good book because its not tak8ng a side. my only concern with it is not onowing the sources of amr 9ber for writing his book so we dont know if much of it is true. . The reader was good also.
A historical account

A LibriVox Listener
just the facts with some color added in the appropriate moments. one slight aggravation is the reader's pronunciation of 'Casmarca' should be 'Cajamarca'.

This is a good book, but very violent. The narrator did an excellent job
A Clearly Narrated Account of the Conquest of Peru

Arpan Naithani
clear reading

clear audio. story a bit biased

wonderful book and very well read.