Mr. Britling Sees It Through

Read by Peter Eastman

(4.6 stars; 13 reviews)

"Mr. Britling Sees It Through" is H. G. Wells' attempt to make sense of World War I. It begins with a lighthearted account of an American visiting England for the first time, but the outbreak of war changes everything. Day by day and month by month, Wells chronicles the unfolding events and public reaction as witnessed by the inhabitants of one house in rural Essex. Each of the characters tries in a different way to keep their bearings in a world suddenly changed beyond recognition. This book was published in 1916 while the war was still in progress, so no clear resolution was possible. Wells did not know how long the war would last or which side would ultimately win, but he hoped that somehow, something good might eventually come of it. - Summary by Peter Eastman (17 hr 10 min)


Mr. Direck Visits Mr. Britling (sections 1-6) 35:48 Read by Peter Eastman
Mr. Direck Visits Mr. Britling (sections 7-12) 36:44 Read by Peter Eastman
Mr. Britling Continues His Exposition (sections 1-6) 33:30 Read by Peter Eastman
Mr. Britling Continues His Exposition (sections 7-9) 31:45 Read by Peter Eastman
Mr. Britling Continues His Exposition (sections 10-11) 25:33 Read by Peter Eastman
The Entertainment of Mr. Direck Reaches a Climax (sections 1-4) 35:54 Read by Peter Eastman
The Entertainment of Mr. Direck Reaches a Climax (sections 5-8) 18:50 Read by Peter Eastman
Mr. Britling in Soliloquy (sections 1-3) 25:39 Read by Peter Eastman
Mr. Britling in Soliloquy (sections 4-5) 22:49 Read by Peter Eastman
Mr. Britling in Soliloquy (sections 6-8) 19:52 Read by Peter Eastman
The Coming of The Day (sections 1-4) 32:16 Read by Peter Eastman
The Coming of The Day (sections 5-7) 28:22 Read by Peter Eastman
The Coming of The Day (sections 8-9) 31:10 Read by Peter Eastman
The Coming of The Day (sections 10-11) 25:57 Read by Peter Eastman
The Coming of The Day (sections 12-15) 26:44 Read by Peter Eastman
Onlookers (sections 1-6) 30:10 Read by Peter Eastman
Onlookers (sections 7-13) 30:46 Read by Peter Eastman
Onlookers (sections 14-18) 34:37 Read by Peter Eastman
Taking Part (sections 1-3) 35:23 Read by Peter Eastman
Taking Part (sections 4-7) 23:25 Read by Peter Eastman
Taking Part (section 8) 21:20 Read by Peter Eastman
Taking Part (sections 9-11) 20:30 Read by Peter Eastman
Malignity (sections 1-6) 36:17 Read by Peter Eastman
Malignity (sections 7-12) 42:09 Read by Peter Eastman
In The Web of The Ineffective (sections 1-6) 34:57 Read by Peter Eastman
In The Web of The Ineffective (sections 7-11) 38:26 Read by Peter Eastman
In The Web of The Ineffective (sections 12-14) 27:03 Read by Peter Eastman
In The Web of The Ineffective (section 15) 27:19 Read by Peter Eastman
In The Web of The Ineffective (sections 16-20) 36:01 Read by Peter Eastman
In The Web of The Ineffective (sections 21-26) 18:21 Read by Peter Eastman
Mrs. Teddy Goes For a Walk (sections 1-5) 35:34 Read by Peter Eastman
Mrs. Teddy Goes For a Walk (sections 6-10) 24:26 Read by Peter Eastman
Mrs. Teddy Goes For a Walk (sections 11-14) 20:21 Read by Peter Eastman
Mr. Britling Writes Until Sunrise (sections 1-4) 29:04 Read by Peter Eastman
Mr. Britling Writes Until Sunrise (sections 5-12) 33:16 Read by Peter Eastman


(3.5 stars)

very long drawn out story of some interest. would have made a better movie. would never have been able to read it and barely got through listening to Peter read it. able to understand everything that he says but the cadence is overwhelming at times

(5 stars)

The last third of the book really makes the first parts both worth it and necessary. The first literally struggle to with WW1 from a personal and social perspective.

excellent story excellently presented

(5 stars)

One of the books one ought to consider part of a legacy library.

wells' vision

(3.5 stars)

wells was unfortunately wronge about the future!