Read by Geoffrey Edwards
Parmenides (Ancient Greek: ΠΑΡΜΕΝΙΔΗΣ) recounts a meeting between Socrates, Zeno and Parmenides. Topics discussed include universals, plurality and the One. - Summary by Geoffrey Edwards (2 hr 13 min)
Parmenides (Text 45) | 31:36 | Read by Geoffrey Edwards |
Parmenides (Text 58) | 51:09 | Read by Geoffrey Edwards |
Parmenides (Text 82) | 50:51 | Read by Geoffrey Edwards |
thank you
Sam Zwemer
reader takes a bit to get used to, but from then on it's smoooooooth sailin', baybay!!
one great book
Misery Loves
Thanks to Parmenides, and to the reader (Mr. Edwards) for the conversation with Plato. Hearing it has been good.