Meg of Mystery Mountain

Read by SamR

(4.5 stars; 73 reviews)

Jane Abbott, tall, graceful and languidly beautiful, passed through the bevy of girls on the wharf below Highacres Seminary with scarcely a nod for any of them. Closely following her came three other girls, each carrying a satchel and wearing a tailored gown of the latest cut. Although Esther Ballard and Barbara Morris called gaily to many of their friends, it was around Marion Starr that all of the girls crowded until her passage way to the small boat, even then getting up steam, was completely blocked. Jane, when she had crossed the gang plank, turned to find only Esther and Barbara at her side. A slight sneer curled her lips as she watched the adulation which Merry was receiving. Then, with a shrug of her slender shoulders that was more eloquent than words, the proud girl seated herself in one of the reclining deck chairs and imperiously motioned her friends to do likewise. “It’s so silly of Merry to make such a fuss over all those girls. She’ll miss the boat if she doesn’t hurry.” Marion had evidently thought of the same thing, for she laughingly ran up the gang plank, her arms filled with candy boxes, bouquets and magazines, gifts of her admiring friends. Depositing these on a chair, she leaned over the rail to call: “Good-bye, girls! Of course I’ll write to you, Sally, reams and reams; a sort of a round-robin letter to be sent to the whole crowd.” (Summary by Grace May North) (6 hr 26 min)


The Most Beautiful Girl 7:43 Read by SamR
The Most Selfish Girl 0:07 Read by SamR
Facing Hard Truths 7:13 Read by SamR
A Sad Homecoming 8:48 Read by SamR
Jane's Small Brother 8:15 Read by SamR
Jane's Choice 11:49 Read by SamR
Gerry's Surprise 8:27 Read by SamR
All Aboard 7:34 Read by SamR
Telegrams 8:49 Read by SamR
A Cattle-Man Friend 12:43 Read by SamR
Redfords 14:23 Read by SamR
The Abbott Cabin 10:46 Read by SamR
Two Little Cooks 7:38 Read by SamR
Fretful Jane 15:01 Read by SamR
Meg Heger 7:50 Read by SamR
The Trapper's Cabin 19:43 Read by SamR
Queer Kittens 9:08 Read by SamR
A Young Overseer 9:39 Read by SamR
A New Cook 13:35 Read by SamR
Meg as School-Mistress 8:55 Read by SamR
Meg as Benefactress 11:52 Read by SamR
Meg's Confidence 8:16 Read by SamR
Jane Humiliated 7:54 Read by SamR
Julie and Gerald Lost 8:03 Read by SamR
Jane's Resolve 12:58 Read by SamR
A Reconciliation 9:50 Read by SamR
The Green Hills Ranch 12:41 Read by SamR
Old Friends 12:25 Read by SamR
The Barbeque 4:40 Read by SamR
Jean Sawyer's Secret 8:46 Read by SamR
An Uncanny Experience 7:51 Read by SamR
Hunting for the Box 16:08 Read by SamR
Jane's Birthday 20:38 Read by SamR
Secrets 16:14 Read by SamR
Jane and Jean 8:19 Read by SamR
Mysteries Half Solved 9:13 Read by SamR
The Mystery Solved 6:25 Read by SamR


Fun Story

(5 stars)

Delightful Reader! Fun Story about youngsters on an adventure and learning kindness.

Meg of mystery mountain

(4.5 stars)

good story reader a little stiff sometimes

Author's Disappointing Choice Distracted Me From Rest Of Story

(3 stars)

All was well, until, in chapter 27, Meg speaks of her teacher telling the class the story of a thousand year old pine. Here the author chooses to give the teacher credit , as the originator and principal actor of that story, when it is, in fact, a real and true story, written by Enos A. Mills - and an all-time favourite of mine. Why she chose to do that is a mystery in itself.

lovely old time story

(4 stars)

Like a modern fairy tale. Wish reader had looked up how to pronounce Ute, which appears frequently in the story. She made me wince every time she said “Utee”.

Nice story, well read

(5 stars)

A cute story, some unexpected twists, classic ending. Every once in a while there was some odd background noise, but not objectionably so.

(3.5 stars)

I may never know if I am pronouncing the word Ute correctly again! Decent book. Great premise. Rushed ending


(4.5 stars)

Thank you to a really good reader and to the author for a delightful plot

A very sweet tale

(4 stars)

I enjoyed the story and it was well read.