The Analysis of Mind
Bertrand Russell
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

A neat work on philosophy of mind by the 20th century analytic philosopher Bertrand Russell. (Summary by sidhu177) (9 hr 37 min)
I enjoyed this b0ok.

Karen Bromberg
Very enlightening a d informative book.

A LibriVox Listener
This is a very interesting topic to me and I feel that Bertrand Russell did a great job of dissecting the topic. I had no problem with any of the readers was able to follow along fairly easily. My only quip is that it definitely not the last word on the topic, not that we will ever hear the last word on the topic, it seemed to end rather abruptly without a real conclusion. Maybe I missed it, and misunderstood and it should actually be called Analysis of the Theories of Mind, because Russell never proposes his own Theory of mind in this? I was hoping I would hear something from him since he discussed many of the major theories on the mind.

D King
interesting topics, and most readers are good. only one woman was so bad I couldn't concentrate on the subject.