Religion and Science from Galileo to Bergson

Read by Laurie Anne Walden

(4.6 stars; 15 reviews)

This history of Western philosophy, published in 1920, explores how people have explained the natural world during the last few centuries, whether by spiritual interpretation or through advances in science. From the Preface: "The chapters which follow are not intended as even a slight sketch of the history of Thought since the Renaissance. Their object is more modest, i.e. to illustrate the thesis that mankind, being 'incurably religious,' insists (however hopeless the enterprise may sometimes seem) upon interpreting the universe spiritually." (Summary by LA Walden and the Preface) (4 hr 19 min)


Introductory 13:43 Read by Laurie Anne Walden
The Dissolution of the Old Synthesis 17:06 Read by Laurie Anne Walden
Growth of the Mechanical Theory 17:06 Read by Laurie Anne Walden
Seventeenth-Century Reactions 25:01 Read by Laurie Anne Walden
Rise of an Anti-Religious Science 17:53 Read by Laurie Anne Walden
Rise of German Idealism 17:23 Read by Laurie Anne Walden
The Romantic Movement 21:14 Read by Laurie Anne Walden
Mechanism and Life 17:04 Read by Laurie Anne Walden
Materialism and Agnosticism 26:30 Read by Laurie Anne Walden
Reactions in Philosophy 22:13 Read by Laurie Anne Walden
Some Recent Tendencies in Philosophy 26:50 Read by Laurie Anne Walden
Some Recent Tendencies in Science 20:44 Read by Laurie Anne Walden
Some Final Considerations 16:53 Read by Laurie Anne Walden


They knew something back in that time

(4 stars)

last century culture knew a lot of history, though it's easy to dismiss them as old fashioned.

off the Wall

(4 stars)

interesting relevant information about popular history of science and religion.

amazingly insightful I absolutely love this thank you so much

(5 stars)