Abide in Christ

Read by Christopher Smith

(4.8 stars; 227 reviews)

Towards the close of his ministry on earth, Jesus taught his disciples of the need for them to abide in Him. This word "abide" speaks of the intimacy of fellowship with the Master to which his followers are still invited. Andrew Murray wrote this series of meditations, which he subtitled "Thoughts on the Blessed Life of Fellowship with the Son of God", out of a conviction that many believers are missing out on something that is really at the heart of a healthy Christian life. The author explains that many, although they trust the Lord for forgiveness and help, have yet to experience the blessing of a day by day and hour by hour walk with the Lord, and therefore are not enjoying the power, the joy and the fruitfulness that is available to each one. He shows how, by taking the time to live closer to Jesus, we may move into a deeper and stronger Christian experience. (Summary by Christopher Smith) (5 hr 59 min)


00 - Preface and Text 8:34 Read by Christopher Smith
01 - First Day: All Ye Who Have Come to Him 9:50 Read by Christopher Smith
02 - Second Day: And Ye Shall Find Rest to Your Souls 12:06 Read by Christopher Smith
03 - Third Day: Trusting Him to Keep You 10:17 Read by Christopher Smith
04 - Fourth Day: As the Branch in the Vine 10:19 Read by Christopher Smith
05 - Fifth Day: As You Came to Him, by Faith 14:20 Read by Christopher Smith
06 - Sixth Day: God Himself Has United You to HIm 10:16 Read by Christopher Smith
07 - Seventh Day: As Your Wisdom 11:25 Read by Christopher Smith
08 - Eighth Day: As Your Righteousness 10:04 Read by Christopher Smith
09 - Ninth Day: As Your Sanctification 13:47 Read by Christopher Smith
10 - Tenth Day: As Your Redemption 10:04 Read by Christopher Smith
11 - Eleventh Day: The Crucified One 11:06 Read by Christopher Smith
12 - Twelfth Day: God Himself Will Establish You in Him 11:33 Read by Christopher Smith
13 - Thirteenth Day: Every Moment 11:47 Read by Christopher Smith
14 - Fourteenth Day: Day by Day 10:39 Read by Christopher Smith
15 - Fifteenth Day: At This Moment 12:03 Read by Christopher Smith
16 - Sixteenth Day: Forsaking All for Him 11:49 Read by Christopher Smith
17 - Seventeenth Day: Through the Holy Spirit 10:59 Read by Christopher Smith
18 - Eighteenth Day: In Stillness of Soul 11:02 Read by Christopher Smith
19 - Nineteenth Day: In Affliction and Trial 10:21 Read by Christopher Smith
20 - Twentieth Day: That You May Bear Much Fruit 10:58 Read by Christopher Smith
21 - Twenty-first Day: So Will You Have Power in Prayer 11:12 Read by Christopher Smith
22 - Twenty-second Day: And in His Love 11:35 Read by Christopher Smith
23 - Twenty-third Day: As Christ in the Father 10:45 Read by Christopher Smith
24 - Twenty-fourth Day: Obeying His Commandments 10:38 Read by Christopher Smith
25 - Twenty-fifth Day: That Your Joy May Be Full 11:07 Read by Christopher Smith
26 - Twenty-sixth Day: And in Love to the Brethren 10:35 Read by Christopher Smith
27 - Twenty-seventh Day: That You May Not Sin 13:14 Read by Christopher Smith
28 - Twenty-eighth Day: As Your Strength 11:24 Read by Christopher Smith
29 - Twenty-ninth Day: And Not In Self 13:57 Read by Christopher Smith
30 - Thirtieth Day: As the Surety of the Covenant 10:46 Read by Christopher Smith
31 - Thirty-first Day: The Glorified One 10:41 Read by Christopher Smith


(5 stars)

This is MEAT, not milk. It may take more than one hearing just to adjust one's ear to grasp the depth of this message; and a repetition of listening brings a deeper wealth of its Truths. The words are basic. But each of these chapters hold steps needed by all Christians in order to grow closer in intimacy to Jesus, The Redeemer of mankind. These works of generations past, are tools to be rediscovered by those of this Latter Day; those who will see His Return.

A Must "Hear " !

(5 stars)

This wonderful jewel contains all essentials for the Christian life. Each chapter is only about 10 minutes, so it makes for a wonderful daily devotional. Christopher Smith reads so well that half the time, I think I'm listening to Andrew Murray himself. I highly recommend this book to all followers of Jesus.

Abide in Christ

(5 stars)

This audio is what the churches are not doing still ,this is for any christian old or new ,sometimes grey hair is just grey hair thank god I'm still teachable and this audio certainly teaches us who is the vine and we are mearly the branch Amen

(5 stars)

This book Abide in Christ, can impart insight into how a Christian can enter and remain in union with our Lord here on earth and on to eternity. Powerfully engages with the Holy Spirit's work of teaching Truth of the New Covenant given to us in Christ. An absolutely important treatise to learn well and cherish as a rare treasure chest of Divine Insight. I recommend this book we read are read until we meet the Lord at our journey's end. Glen Jackman

(5 stars)

This is a real treasure, no doubt divinely inspired and needed nourishment for the soul that aspires to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in whom we must abide to reflect His image.

Excellent throughout

(5 stars)

A very engaging reading of a excellent book by Andrew Murray. Mr Smith reads at just the right pace and in pleasant encouraging tones which enables you to take in all that is being said.

(4.5 stars)

Love this book! And Christopher Smith makes you feel like Andrew Murray himself is speaking. Wonderful blessing to have these books and this is one of the best!

(5 stars)

Excellent Reader! Very precise enunciation and comprehensive story telling, easy to follow..Thank You...Five Star Quality...