Alcibiades I
Read by Kevin Johnson

As Jowett relates in his brilliant introduction, 95% of Plato's writing is certain and his reputation rests soundly on this foundation. The Alcibiades 1 appears to be a short work by Plato with only two characters: Socrates and Alcibiades. This dialogue has little dramatic verisimilitude but centres on the question of what knowledge one needs for political life. Like the early dialogues, the question is on whether the virtues needed by a statesman can be taught, on the importance of self-knowledge as a starting point for any leader. While this may be only partially the work of Plato, or even not his at all, Jowett favoured the work with his magisterial translation and appears to favour its inclusion in the canon of true works. (Summary by Kevin Johnson) (2 hr 15 min)
Part I | 27:48 | Read by Kevin Johnson |
Part II | 37:50 | Read by Kevin Johnson |
Part III | 43:11 | Read by Kevin Johnson |
Part IV | 26:55 | Read by Kevin Johnson |

LPH (aka Lou Homer)
WooW indeed. If I may, please allow me to intro the characters. Pericles, recognized wise wealthy defacto dictator, although a benevolent dictator of Athens. Alcibiades- the young extremely gifted handsome intelligent nephew of Pericles, favorite of also of Socrates amoung the up and coming young men. Socrates feared Socrates feared the young man would have too big a head, and tries his dam nest to educate the man. The method of teaching is here in presented. I jumped to the third section. The heart of the limit of knowledge. The importance of curiosity when you one feels near the limit of one’s knowledge and experience. And the humility to say, “Here I am over m head.” I leave to you, my unknown friend, to ponder with me outcome of the life of our characters. Socrates - Pericles- Alcibiades- Athen’s Golden Age- the on coming war with Sparta, a fellow Greek state- and plague. Happy Father’s Day 5-21-2020. May we behave well. Thank You All. Love. LPH.

Ruslan Vasylev
wow... I can't believe I almost missed this work and only by luck decided to download and listen to it before continuing on with Aristotle. esp the Part 4.. i was always facinated with "Know Thyself" inscription.. and Socrates explanation is very insightfull... speachless...
practically timeless. 5/5

Marmalade Man (bookfella)
it's a bit sexist, times were different then way different. it's worth a listen or read though Alcibiades was quite a character and not well known about.
Probably written by a close colleague of Plato

A LibriVox Listener
The closest thing to a direct report on the role of the Persians in Athenian politics other than Thucydides. Nicely read too.
Believe the hype

Mountain Moth
Iamblichus rightly put this dialogue at the start of his Platonic curriculum. A must listen.