Edison, His Life and Inventions
Frank Lewis Dyer
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

A detailed biography of Thomas Alva Edison, inventor of such things as the telephone, the microphone, the electric motor, the storage battery, and the electric light. In the words of the authors, "It is designed in these pages to bring the reader face to face with Edison; to glance at an interesting childhood and a youthful period marked by a capacity for doing things, and by an insatiable thirst for knowledge; then to accompany him into the great creative stretch of forty years, during which he has done so much. This book shows him plunged deeply into work for which he has always had an incredible capacity, reveals the exercise of his unsurpassed inventive ability, his keen reasoning powers, his tenacious memory, his fertility of resource; follows him through a series of innumerable experiments, conducted methodically, reaching out like rays of search-light into all the regions of science and nature, and finally exhibits him emerging triumphantly from countless difficulties bearing with him in new arts the fruits of victorious struggle." (written by Justin Barrett, with authors' quote taken from the work itself) (29 hr 41 min)

A LibriVox Listener
what a fantastic story brought his life to life I have been to the Edison ford museum it now Bringks it all to life

the lady reading chapter 15 is terrible. but other than that great book
Essential reading

Melinda Rahe
All of our lives have been touched by this amazing, driven man. The book is particularly interesting to the engineering mind.

Frank Neris
el volumen está muy bajo the volume is too low
The whole world should have a day commemorating Inventors.

Edison scum

A LibriVox Listener
I have to agree with one of the reviewers. Edison was not a good person at all. Almost everything that he claimed credit for was someone else’s work (mostly Tesla’s). I cannot believe that he is, to this day, getting away with this and that greater masses are ignorant about this thief’s wrong doings.
Edison was a dick

The man was a ruthless, narcissistic ego-maniac with no scruples whatsoever, and made his name on the works of his betters. Tesla was always in all ways the better man and mind.