There Are Realistic Alternatives
Gene Sharp
Read by Benjamin Gittins

Violence in society and politics, whether in the form of war, terrorism, dictatorship, oppression, usurpation, or genocide, is widely recognized as a grave problem. The objective of this essay is to explore a different perspective on the nature of the problem of widespread violence in society and politics that suggests what will be required for its resolution. We need to analyze the conditions under which it will be possible to reduce drastically the reliance on military and other violent means of conflict. We need to examine why violence is so widely regarded as necessary for good causes as well as for bad ones, and how fundamental change away from that syndrome might be achieved. (Summary by Author) (2 hr 9 min)
1 - Chapter 1 - Developing a Realistic Alternative to War and other Violence | 48:17 | Read by Benjamin Gittins |
2 - Chapter 2 - The Importance of Strategic Planning in Nonviolent Struggle | 20:37 | Read by Benjamin Gittins |
3 - Chapter 3 - Steps in Strategic Planning for Nonviolent Struggles Against Re… | 11:35 | Read by Benjamin Gittins |
4 - Appendix 1 - Glossary of Important Terms in Nonviolent Struggle | 23:06 | Read by Benjamin Gittins |
5 - Appendix 2 - 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action | 15:24 | Read by Benjamin Gittins |
6 - Appendix 3 - Further Reading - Acknowledgments, and other information | 10:19 | Read by Benjamin Gittins |
Great introduction to politics

Michael Cutler
Gives a list of books that will give more information about politics for one to study by oneself.
This should be standard reading for everyone! It's a bible!
