The Iliad
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

The Iliad, together with the Odyssey, is one of two ancient Greek epic poems traditionally attributed to Homer. The poem is commonly dated to the 8th or 7th century BC, and many scholars believe it is the oldest extant work of literature in the Greek language, making it the first work of European literature. The existence of a single author for the poems is disputed as the poems themselves show evidence of a long oral tradition and hence, multiple authors. The poem concerns events during the tenth and final year in the siege of the city of Iliun, or Troy, by the Greeks. (Summary adapted from Wikipedia by Karen Merline.) (14 hr 29 min)
Epic Story

Jordan Williams
Having first completed Homer's "The Odyssey", this tale gives greater scope to the time period of its creation and really lets the reader experience the battles on a personal level. But man is it long! ( laughing as I realize the truth of it ) I was clean shaven when I started.... where'd this " ZZ TOP" beard come from?

Overall this was very well done. However, a few chapters were read poorly. ML Cohen was, by far, the best narrator! I highly recommend this book.

Honestly, I love this book, but every time I listen to it, the one thing that bothers me is the gods names. I will admit, I am a nerd. I love mythology, so I know for a fact that the gods names in this book are Roman, but the book itself is Greek.

J Rodgers
ML Cohen, I really enjoyed the chapters you read. You have a nice voice. All others, you did well too

I have to say, I love the Iliad and the Odyssey. Just a heads up to prospective listeners: The Trojan Horse never makes an appearance here. It’s mentioned in the Odyssey, and I believe in the Nostoi (lit. “The Returns Home”), but the primary subject of the Iliad is Achilles, Hector, and a handful of Greek heroes. Homer’s stated focus was “The cursed anger of Achilles, the son of Peleos...” Anyone who wants to study good literature should start with the Iliad. There’s a reason we’re still reading and listening to it nearly 3000 years after we think it was composed. Returning to my earlier topic, a lot of Greek literature addresses the problem of what it means to be a good human. The Iliad, in my opinion, focuses on the impact of anger. It is a wonderful story, but you should recognize as well that it is very focused on the effect of Achilles’ anger and vengefulness (this becomes more pronounced after a certain individual dies).

Reading Everything I See
Next time can you please let ML Cohen or one of the readers with a stronger voice finish the book? The voice of the man who read the last 2 chapter’s was so soft and weak and he mispronounced so many words it was just irritating. It’s like he was reading just loud enough for him to hear himself. Like he was in bed with his wife trying not to wake her up.
I finally finished this book!

I’ve tried to read the Iliad several times, and failed. Thanks to LibriVox and the volunteers, I finally learned the whole story. 23 of the 24 chapters were very well done.
love the classics

A LibriVox Listener
some readers were a little harf to hear but still, a break book