The Lovers

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.5 stars; 2 reviews)

LibriVox volunteers bring you 27 recordings of The Lovers by Emily Dickinson. This was the Weekly Poetry project for May 27, 2012.

The verses of Emily Dickinson belong emphatically to what Emerson long since called "the Poetry of the Portfolio,"—something produced absolutely without the thought of publication, and solely by way of expression of the writer's own mind. Such verse must inevitably forfeit whatever advantage lies in the discipline of public criticism and the enforced conformity to accepted ways. On the other hand, it may often gain something through the habit of freedom and the unconventional utterance of daring thoughts. In the case of the present author, there was absolutely no choice in the matter; she must write thus, or not at all. A recluse by temperament and habit, literally spending years without setting her foot beyond the doorstep, and many more years during which her walks were strictly limited to her father's grounds, she habitually concealed her mind, like her person, from all but a very few friends; and it was with great difficulty that she was persuaded to print, during her lifetime, three or four poems. Yet she wrote verses in great abundance; and though brought curiously indifferent to all conventional rules, had yet a rigorous literary standard of her own, and often altered a word many times to suit an ear which had its own tenacious fastidiousness. (Summary from the Preface of Poems by Emily Dickinson) (0 hr 26 min)


The Lovers - Read by AG 1:02 Read by April Gonzales
The Lovers - Read by BG 1:04 Read by Bob Gonzalez
The Lovers - Read by BRO 0:53 Read by ruy343
The Lovers - Read by BT 0:58 Read by Bellona Times
The Lovers - Read by CMP 1:09 Read by CaprishaPage
The Lovers - Read by DL 0:55 Read by David Lawrence
The Lovers - Read by Elli 0:49 Read by Elli
The Lovers - Read by FS 1:02 Read by fshort
The Lovers - Read by GC 0:58 Read by Snapdragon
The Lovers - Read by HS 1:02 Read by Harvey Spurr
The Lovers - Read by JBS 0:56 Read by JemmaBlythe
The Lovers - Read by JCM 0:55 Read by Jason Mills
The Lovers - Read by JM2 0:56 Read by Jannie Meisberger
The Lovers - Read by JN 0:47 Read by Julia Niedermaier
The Lovers - Read by KLH 0:55 Read by Kristin Hughes (1974-2021)
The Lovers - Read by LAH 0:56 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
The Lovers - Read by LD 0:57 Read by kdeutschle
The Lovers - Read by LLW 1:07 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
The Lovers - Read by MCD 0:55 Read by Marie Daum
The Lovers - Read by MJF 1:07 Read by MJ Franck
The Lovers - Read by MP 1:01 Read by Mateo Palfreman
The Lovers - Read by MV 1:02 Read by John W. Michaels
The Lovers - Read by REF 1:02 Read by Rhonda Federman
The Lovers - Read by RH 0:56 Read by Rhajimas Holmes
The Lovers - Read by RN 1:25 Read by ravenotation
The Lovers - Read by UM 0:57 Read by ekzemplaro
The Lovers - Read by VK 0:48 Read by Verity Kendall