Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Jules Verne
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Captain Nemo, The Nautilus, and the mysterious depths of the ocean. Unforgettable. Come join an adventure that will roam among coral and pearls, sharks and giant squid, with wonders of biology and engineering that will thrust us from the Antarctic to Atlantis. Whether voyaging a yarn of the glorious unknown, a tale of the darkness that grips the heart of men, or a reinterpretation of Homer’s Odyssey, we’ll all enjoy the fantastic trip. Seasickness optional. (Summary by Marlo Dianne)
A German version is available: Zwanzigtausend Meilen unter’m Meer (16 hr 30 min)
A Runaway Reef | 19:43 | Read by Marlo Dianne |
The Pros and Cons | 14:02 | Read by Chip |
As Master Wishes | 12:00 | Read by Chip |
Ned Land | 16:58 | Read by Chip |
At Random! | 15:42 | Read by Chip |
At Full Steam | 20:25 | Read by Chip |
A Whale of Unknown Species | 19:23 | Read by Marlo Dianne |
"Mobilis in Mobili" | 21:01 | Read by Sean McGaughey |
The Tantrums of Ned Land | 16:21 | Read by Sean McGaughey |
The Man of the Waters | 20:58 | Read by Sean McGaughey |
The Nautilus | 20:39 | Read by Marlo Dianne |
Everything through Electricity | 15:57 | Read by Efkan Efe |
Some Figures | 15:15 | Read by dougc |
The Black Current | 24:07 | Read by Kevin McAsh |
An Invitation in Writing | 17:21 | Read by ciaran.mooney |
Strolling the Plains | 17:27 | Read by nausicaa |
An Underwater Forest | 18:12 | Read by nausicaa |
Four Thousand Leagues Under the Pacific | 16:53 | Read by Calliope |
Vanikoro | 27:08 | Read by RedToby |
The Torres Strait | 22:56 | Read by Robin Cotter |
Some Days Ashore | 26:18 | Read by Robin Cotter |
The Lightning Bolts of Captain Nemo | 23:20 | Read by echo |
"Aegri Somnia" | 18:17 | Read by Kevin McAsh |
The Coral Realm | 19:13 | Read by Kurt Wong |
The Indian Ocean | 24:13 | Read by Paul-Gabriel Wiener |
A New Proposition from Captain Nemo | 23:29 | Read by carnright |
A Pearl Worth Ten Million | 24:40 | Read by Paul-Gabriel Wiener |
The Red Sea | 29:54 | Read by Kevin LaVergne |
Arabian Tunnel | 16:56 | Read by Claire Goget |
The Greek Islands | 21:59 | Read by Claire Goget |
The Mediterranean in Forty-Eight Hours | 21:28 | Read by Alex Patterson |
The Bay of Vigo | 24:15 | Read by Zachary Brewster-Geisz |
A Lost Continent | 22:33 | Read by J. M. Smallheer |
The Underwater Coalfields | 27:31 | Read by Westwinds12 |
The Sargasso Sea | 23:14 | Read by RedToby |
Sperm Whales and Baleen Whales | 25:04 | Read by RedToby |
The Ice Bank | 28:39 | Read by Sean McGaughey |
The South Pole | 29:42 | Read by Meredith Hughes |
Accident or Incident? | 17:33 | Read by grokfun |
Shortage of Air | 23:07 | Read by Eric Dennison |
From Cape Horn to the Amazon | 25:22 | Read by Eric Dennison |
The Devilfish | 26:41 | Read by Reynard T. Fox |
The Gulf Stream | 26:18 | Read by Eric Dennison |
In Latitude 47 degrees 24' and Longitude 17 degrees 28' | 23:44 | Read by rovert405 |
A Mass Execution | 21:41 | Read by Kevin LaVergne |
The Last Words of Captain Nemo | 18:10 | Read by Kevin LaVergne |
Conclusion | 4:20 | Read by Gesine |
You Guys Are Awful

A message to those criticizing readers of these books: If you don't like the recording, see if you can do better. That, or pay for a professional reading. Have some respect.

Albertyn Family
The book was really really good. And thank you readers!!!! And to the listeners before you criticize the readers just think, these people have given up there time for your benefit they don’t even get paid and the people who use Librivox either don’t like reading or just don’t have the time, so instead of criticizing thank the readers.

A LibriVox Listener
Good book terible woman reader. chip is by far the best. I cam barely endure this woman though I want to stab my ears out and go read the actually book.
Michelle Fry's Version is way better

A LibriVox Listener
As others described before me the reading style is hard to bear, it is unpleasant to listen so I stopped in the 1. Chapter and looked for a better version, Found one in Michelle Fry's reading. There's critizising of the criticism here and: Yes those guys did it for free and I didn't do it better. That doesn't mean I can't recognise Quality or the lack of it. It does mean one should adapt expectations and stay respectfull. It doesn't mean listeners should call everything great no matter what. After all that would mean not recognising the "extra" that other readers who did put more effort in the reading deliver. Even If I "only" read to my nepheps, to anybody I put in some effort and Quality in. I look if they like it and change if necessary so they do. As much as I like more stuff uploaded here I see no reason to praise people who obviously use no talent in the reading, are unwilling to learn at least a minimum about recording to make the listening experience not an endurance. Do it better next time!
The author was way ahead of his time.

It is amazing how accurate he was in many ways about the future it seems like you're reading from the recent past in many ways and some of the things seem so ridiculous now that at that time seemed so futuristic. he obviously did a lot of study before writing this book to get all the information about animals and plants corals excetera. again I would have given it 5 stars except for the reading being confusing because of too many readers.
Horrible Narrator

A LibriVox Listener
This is one of my favorite books, however the ridiculous attempt of narration by the lady who starts the book was atrocious. I recommend finding a better copy, unless you like torture of this manner. Consider yourselves warned. P.S. On behalf of all who love great classic literature, to you, Jules Verne, we apologize for this recording and hope that if it has caused you to roll over in your grave, that you rolled with laughter, not anger.
exellent book

Stacey Carpenter
An exellent book, the only thing that spoilt a otherwise very good book was the large number of very varied readers and on occasions the variation in volume from one reader to the next, some quiet some louder. This made listening a bit of a chore, leading me to take too much notice of the readers which destracted me from the book. Although as I said a exellent book by Joules Verne, which I enjoyed a great deal.
Marvelous book, great collaborative reading

Don't let the impression of the first reader draw conclusions. This is a great collaborative reading by volunteers. Many of whom are great readers, and some few with whom you might not have the best connection. The book itself is wonderful, I was submerged in the book independently of the reader. Jules Verne was ahead of time. The adventures of Prof Aranax, his companion, and Captain Nemo are legendary.