The Essentials of Prayer
Edward M. Bounds
Read by Elsa Gallo

The Sunday School Times says of the author, "he was a specialist in prayer and his books are for the quiet hour, for careful meditation and for all who wish to seek and find the treasures of God." This book is a ready helper for those who want to follow his path, with more and better communication with the Lord. (Summary by Editor & Reader) (3 hr 54 min)
00 - Foreword | 2:01 | Read by Elsa Gallo |
01 - Prayer Takes in the Whole Man | 17:21 | Read by Elsa Gallo |
02 - Prayer and Humility | 16:00 | Read by Elsa Gallo |
03 - Prayer and Devotion | 16:30 | Read by Elsa Gallo |
04 - Prayer, Praise and Thanksgiving | 16:44 | Read by Elsa Gallo |
05 - Prayer and Trouble | 23:09 | Read by Elsa Gallo |
06 - Prayer and Trouble (Continued) | 12:51 | Read by Elsa Gallo |
07 - Prayer and God's Work | 20:55 | Read by Elsa Gallo |
08 - Prayer and Consecration | 21:25 | Read by Elsa Gallo |
09 - Prayer and a Definite Religious Standard | 14:32 | Read by Elsa Gallo |
10 - Prayer Born of Compassion | 16:28 | Read by Elsa Gallo |
11 - Concerted Prayer | 17:24 | Read by Elsa Gallo |
12 - The Universality of Prayer | 13:25 | Read by Elsa Gallo |
13 - Prayer and Missions | 25:27 | Read by Elsa Gallo |
the essential of prayer in trouble

We all go through seasons of trouble, fear and anxiety of the present and future. Most intense when we as humans cannot fix or control the problem at hand. I find this out of control feeling extremely painful when I see it in my children. For SO LONG I have been searching for coping skills when the last 22 years I have been weeping in sorrow feeling helpless when I had the power of prayer within me the entire time. How foolish of me. Thank you for this iesson, pulling me right back on track to walk with the Lord. Amen
Good book on prayer

Really was moved by this book. Alot of pointers to meditate on,for ones communication with the Lord. Bounds touches on so many areas of prayer that one may not think of or meditate on. Bounds was called a specialist on prayer. After hearing this book I can say he opened up prayer in a far different light for me. Thanks to Elda Gallo for her narration and LibriVox for this Bounds great book.

when I first started this book I stopped it while in ch. 1. I thought it was going to be too poetic and "dreamy". I then gave it a second go and am I glad I did! Much to contemplate. Stop and meditate at times when God is speaking to you through Bounds. The reader did great; clear and smooth. Highly recommend.

Bobby Maxwell
Today, when 80% of our news is provided by 3 giant P.R. (public relations) companies to 5 corporations owning 80% of our news providers and 3 giant investment banks are running out of places to invest the money of the oligarchs, we are in the gravest extreme need for effective prayer! (Note: Please read 'Giants (Rule The World)' by the 'Censored Yearbook' guy, to learn who is behind The Great Reset) Back to 'The Essentials...', Excellent book! Well read and an essential reference work for your library. Listen and pray with your family! As a world, we've never needed Jesus more! We must not be divided by this tactic of "the father of lies." We must stand together and resist the powers of darkness in high places! We must win the good fight of faith through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Pray. Have Faith.

This has been a blessing. There is a much larger work by Bounds on Prayer. You may find it a blessing as well.
Prayer revival

Ken Ozoemenam
God bless the author, the narrator, and all who work to preserve and disseminate this and similar Christian classics IJN.
I was extremely blessed by this book! Every Christian should read it!

A LibriVox Listener
Some of the words were not pronounced correctly.
Give it a shot!

Canada Rod
Once I got past the first two chapters I was hooked! Definitely still relevant today.