The Claverings

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.6 stars; 72 reviews)

"I consider the story as a whole to he good, though I am not aware that the public ever corroborated that verdict." - the author
The Claverings is the best wrought of the novels designed for The Cornhill, and as surely conceived as any book he ever wrote." - Sadleir.
"It is a novel of atmosphere, and the atmosphere is of that sort very dangerous for the English novelist, the atmosphere captured so supremely well by Thackeray the green-lighted, close-scented gambling rooms, the shabby adventures of half-deserted spas, the shelving beaches of foreign watering-places, concealed accents, stolen passports, impoverished counts and impertinent ladies' maids.... Trollope's most serious attempt to escape from his own personality." - Walpole (19 hr 56 min)


01 - Julia Brabazon 18:09 Read by bobolink
02 - Harry Clavering Chooses His Profession 31:32 Read by Simon Evers
03 - Lord Ongar 24:00 Read by Simon Evers
04 - Florence Burton 25:43 Read by bobolink
05 - Lady Ongar’s Return 25:50 Read by bobolink
06 - The Rev. Samuel Saul 23:12 Read by Roxanna Nazari
07 - Some Scenes in the Life of a Countess 26:40 Read by Roxanna Nazari
08 - The House in Onslow Crescent 24:25 Read by Simon Evers
09 - Too Prudent By Half 23:11 Read by Simon Evers
10 - Florence Burton at the Rectory 22:57 Read by Roxanna Nazari
11 - Sir Hugh and His Brother Archie 28:52 Read by Roxanna Nazari
12 - Lady Ongar Takes Possession 20:00 Read by Roxanna Nazari
13 - A Visitor Calls At Ongar Park 19:43 Read by Roxanna Nazari
14 - Count Pateroff 12:44 Read by Tim Quinn
15 - Madame Gordeloup 19:15 Read by Simon Evers
16 - An Evening In Bolton Street 23:25 Read by Simon Evers
17 - The Rivals 28:09 Read by Roxanna Nazari
18 - 'Judge Not That Ye Be Not Judged' 12:33 Read by Roxanna Nazari
19 - Let Her Know That You’re There 13:44 Read by Lewis
20 - Captain Clavering Makes His First Attempt 26:56 Read by Barry O'Neill
21 - the Blue Posts 27:53 Read by Barry O'Neill
22 - Desolation 12:48 Read by Lewis
23 - Sir Hugh's Return 15:04 Read by HurstPP
24 - Yes; Wrong—Certainly Wrong 26:40 Read by Lewis
25 - The Day of the Funeral 18:28 Read by bobolink
26 - Too Many, And Too Few 15:03 Read by bobolink
27 - Cumberly Lane Without The Mud 11:43 Read by Barry O'Neill
28 - The Russian Spy 33:22 Read by Barry O'Neill
29 - What Would Men Say To You? 25:40 Read by montmorency
30 - The Man Who Dusted His Boots With His Handkerchief 23:14 Read by bobolink
31 - Freshwater Gate 29:00 Read by Roxanna Nazari
32 - What Cecilia Burton Did For Her Sister-In-Law 30:09 Read by Roxanna Nazari
33 - How Damon Parted From Pythias 13:04 Read by montmorency
34 - Vain Repentance 7:19 Read by Roxanna Nazari
35 - Doodles In Mount Street 26:27 Read by Roxanna Nazari
36 - Harry Clavering’s Confession 23:05 Read by Roxanna Nazari
37 - Florence Burton’s Return 13:07 Read by Roxanna Nazari
38 - Florence Burton Makes Up A Packet 15:44 Read by Roxanna Nazari
39 - Showing Why Harry Clavering Was Wanted At The Rectory 29:11 Read by bobolink
40 - Mr. Saul’s Abode 24:46 Read by bobolink
41 - Going To Norway 12:55 Read by Barry O'Neill
42 - Parting 14:18 Read by Barry O'Neill
43 - Captain Clavering Makes His Last Attempt 21:04 Read by Rosie
44 - What Lady Ongar Thought About It 23:03 Read by Rosie
45 - How To Dispose Of A Wife 48:06 Read by Barry O'Neill
46 - Showing How Mrs. Burton Fought Her Battle 21:14 Read by Barry O'Neill
47 - The Sheep Returns To The Fold 50:20 Read by bobolink
48 - Lady Ongar’s Revenge 21:57 Read by Roxanna Nazari
49 - Showing What Happened Off Heligoland 46:10 Read by Jean Bascom
50 - Madam Gordeloup Retires From British Diplomacy 22:20 Read by Jean Bascom
51 - Showing How Things Settled Themselves At The Rectory 24:05 Read by Jean Bascom
52 - Conclusion 17:59 Read by Jean Bascom


Very Enjoyable Tale

(5 stars)

The character development is so good that one can picture each individual. The price one pays for past mistakes can certainly be more than expected. Society judges harshly but perhaps not as harshly as ourselves. Good story and all the narrator’s were excellent! There are many of LibriVox’s best voices here. Thank you LibriVox and thank you narrators!

Another Trollope Success

(4 stars)

Well written plots and sub plots. Most enjoyable. I very much appreciate the volunteer readers. There are several slight opportunities for achieving greater success as related to cadence and mispronunciations. These are mentioned only to be as stepping stones for those brave souls who share their voices with us.

Great Readers

(5 stars)

This is a collaborative project on Librivox, and every reader does a fantastic job. Trollope is so good at developing his characters, and I can't understand why he is not more celebrated. Many of his books are on Librivox, and almost all of them are very well done.

A good story

(4 stars)

The Claverings is not my favourite of Trollope's novels, nevertheless it is a good, engaging story involving wealth, titled people, poor suitors and lovely heroines. On the whole, the readers were superb. Thank you to the volunteers.


(5 stars)

Someone once said that it is better to be lucky than good. Harry was very fortunate (thanks to a storm), but he is an utter fool!

Story style

(3 stars)

Loved the writing style. Just like someone who was telling a story to you in person rather than on paper.

(5 stars)

Great story, and not one bad reader. There is one, though, who's S's are sometimes painfully sharp & loud.

(4.5 stars)

Working my way through the 'Trollopes' and have really enjoyed them all. This is no exception. Thank you Librivox.