The Profits of Religion
Upton Sinclair
Read by MichelleHarris

"The Profits of Religion: An Essay in Economic Interpretation" is a non-fiction book, first published in 1917, by the American novelist and muckraking journalist Upton Sinclair. It is a snapshot of the religious movements in the U.S. before its entry into World War I. In this book, Sinclair attacks institutionalized religion as a "source of income to parasites, and the natural ally of every form of oppression and exploitation." (Summary from Wikipedia) (11 hr 46 min)

This is a great reading of a most pertinent book - as pertinent now as it was when it was written. Thanks to Michelle Harris for this gift, and I've listened to it twice so far. The reading is clear and concise; there's no doubt about what is being read. A most pleasant voice to go along with a most important book. Thank you for your efforts! Five stars all the way.
Wonderful on many levels

happy to listen
No longer physically able hold & read books, I thank Librivox & each of the volunteers that make Librivox what it is from the bottom of my heart. "The Profits Of Religion" is one of my favorite books ever written; the reader - MichelleHarris - does a wonderful job with Sinclair's works. I found myself listening twice, not out of confusion but out of joy.
Great Reading

Well here I am today, and this was written a hundred years ago. Hum. Way beyond his time in writing that book.
Amazing as always

José Arcanjo
I shrieked when I found out Upton Sinclair already had to deal with hollow earth back then.

Interesting concepts and well done by the reader