Autobiography of a Seaman, Vol. 1
Lord Thomas Cochrane
Read by Timothy Ferguson

This two volume work is the autobiography of Lord Cochrane, a naval captain of the Napoleonic period. His adventures are seminal to the development of naval fiction as a genre. Marryat sailed with Cochrane, while later writers borrowed incidents from this biography for their fictions. Most notable among these is Patrick O'Brian, three of whose novels have clear parallels to incidents in the life of Cochrane. This first volume covers Cochrane's earlier life, during which he is most active militarily. (Introduction by Timothy Ferguson) (11 hr 19 min)
Great reading! Alternately tedious and fascinating.

A LibriVox Listener
Apparently Lord Cochrane was a divisive character in his time. A capable seaman, yet an insufferable jerk. All that comes across in this book. The book offers great insights into Naval tactics and operations in the early 19th century, but often reads as a justification of himself and an excruciation of his enemies. Of course, that's what this is. Ferguson brings another stellar reading in conveying all this.
Great Book Great Reading

If you like any Patrick O'Brien Books (eg Master & Commander) you will love this. Its much less dramatic thsn a historical fiction novel but is still jawdropping. The constant defensive tone can get a bit wearing but its justified in the context of the nook.The naration is also perfect. Thanks for uploading.
Very good, just need vol 2!

Mali Taus
I very much enjoyed this story and the narration is great, good job Timothy. An interesting mix of serious naval adventures and its politics in the 19th century. Sadly volume two seems to be missing in action!
more exiting than fiction

Elsie Reads
inspiring indignation of the unjust and malicious treatment of Lord Cochrane and showing the patient and humble forbearance on the part of Cochrane himself.

A LibriVox Listener
This is a very engaging story/autobiography, easy to listen to as well. He had a pleasant, easy to follow manner of reading to the listener.

A LibriVox Listener
Excellent reading!!! Fantastic book about a brave, engenius, mistreated British Naval officer. Great history, and claims which writer backs every step of the way.
Poor poor man.

If the writer had received every promotion when he thought he deserved one he would have been PM.

Wampus Cat
It re reminds me of arguing with my whole ife