The Small House at Allington

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.5 stars; 93 reviews)

Fifth novel in the Barsetshire series, The Small House at Allington is largely focused on the Small House's inhabitants, Mrs. Dale and her two marriageable daughters, Lily and Bell. The two girls, of course, have suitors: their cousin, Bernard Dale, his friend Adolphus Crosbie, and the local boy, Johnny Eames, whose career in London is to mark him as far more than the "hobbledehoy" that he has earlier been considered. Crosbie is a social climber, and his connection with the dysfunctional de Courcys of Barsetshire give the author a chance for a splendid portrayal of an aristocratic family in decline. As with many of AT's novels, there are subplots as well, and many pictures of rural life standing in contrast to that of London. Some critics have seen in the portrayal of Johnny Eames something of an autobiographical exercise on Trollope's part. (Summary by Nicholas Clifford)

Novels in the series are:
1-The Warden
1-The Warden(version 2)
2-Barchester Towers
3-Doctor Thorne
4-Framley Parsonage
5-The Small House at Allington
6-The Last Chronicle of Barset (25 hr 15 min)


01 - The Squire of Allington 21:54 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
02 -The Two Pearls of Allington 29:02 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
03 - The Widow Dale of Allington 25:01 Read by Simon Evers
04 - Mrs Roper's Boarding-House 23:48 Read by Simon Evers
05 - About L. D 18:17 Read by doublemirrors
06 - Beautiful Days 30:31 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
07 - The Beginning of Troubles 29:39 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
08 - It Cannot Be 18:54 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
09 - Mrs Dale's Little Party 34:36 Read by Thelma Meyer
10 - Mrs Lupex and Amelia Roper 20:09 Read by Simon Evers
11 - Social Life 16:48 Read by Simon Evers
12 - Lilian Dale Becomes a Butterfly 38:10 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
13 - A Visit to Guestwick 24:47 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
14 - John Eames Takes a Walk 16:32 Read by Simon Evers
15 - The Last Day 27:53 Read by Simon Evers
16 - Mr Crosbie Meets an Old Clergyman on His Way to Courcy Castle 14:43 Read by Simon Evers
17 - Courcy Castle 36:37 Read by Alexandra Huckabay
18 - Lily Dale's First Love-Letter 21:10 Read by Alexandra Huckabay
19 - The Squire Makes a Visit to the Small House 22:21 Read by Alexandra Huckabay
20 - Dr Crofts 20:04 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
21 - John Eames Encounters Two Adventures, and Displays Great Courage in Both 32:07 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
22 - Lord De Guest at Home 21:04 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
23 - Mr Plantagenet Palliser 45:02 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
24 - A Mother-in-Law and a Father-in-Law 13:43 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
25 - Adolphus Crosbie Spends an Evening at His Club 23:19 Read by Alexandra Huckabay
26 - Lord de Courcy in the Bosom of His Family 21:35 Read by Alexandra Huckabay
27 - 'On My Honour, I Do Not Understand It' 31:37 Read by Kirsten Wever
28 - The Board 25:20 Read by Simon Evers
29 - John Eames Returns to Burton Crescent 20:10 Read by Simon Evers
30 - 'Is It from Him?' 25:44 Read by Simon Evers
31 - The Wounded Fawn 28:44 Read by Brendan Stallard
32 - Pawkins's in Jermyn Street 22:26 Read by Shirleyroses
33 - 'The Time Will Come' 26:19 Read by Shirleyroses
34 - The Combat 21:39 Read by Felicity C
35 - Væ Victis 32:35 Read by Felicity C
36 - 'See, the Conquering Hero Comes' 31:26 Read by Felicity C
37 - An Old Man's Complaint 18:49 Read by Piper Hayes
38 - Doctor Crofts Is Called In 29:38 Read by Piper Hayes
39 - Doctor Crofts Is Turned Out 29:22 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
40 - Preparations for the Wedding 36:01 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
41 - Domestic Troubles 20:21 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
42 - Lily's Bedside 20:31 Read by Alexandra Huckabay
43 - Fie, Fie! 27:54 Read by Alexandra Huckabay
44 - Valentine's Day at Allington 19:43 Read by Alexandra Huckabay
45 - Valentine's Day in London 29:08 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
46 - John Eames at his Office 29:26 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
47 - The New Private Secretary 18:30 Read by Phineas Redux
48 - Nemesis 26:04 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
49 - Preparations for Going 25:03 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
50 - Mrs Dale Is Thankful for a Good Thing 18:12 Read by Alexandra Huckabay
51 - John Eames Does Things Which He Ought Not to Have Done 30:15 Read by Alexandra Huckabay
52 - The First Visit to the Guestwick Bridge 24:51 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
53 - Loquitur Hopkins 21:52 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
54 - The Second Visit to the Guestwick Bridge 27:36 Read by Sharon Omi
55 - Not Very Fie Fie after All 33:29 Read by alwpoe
56 - Showing How Mr Crosbie Became Again a Happy Man 19:09 Read by Simon Evers
57 - Lilian Dale Vanquishes Her Mother 24:08 Read by Piper Hayes
58 - The Fate of the Small House 23:32 Read by Piper Hayes
59 - John Eames Becomes a Man 23:22 Read by Simon Evers
60 - Conclusion 24:19 Read by Simon Evers


Stubborn people hurt each other for 700 pages

(4.5 stars)

I was unaware of this novel and surprised by how difficult the characters were. I found Lily profoundly annoying. I didn't expect to end up liking the squire more than most of the rest of the characters, but everyone else was SO confusingly stupid. Mrs Dale really doesn't come off well. Despite the difficult circumstances she is in, she is an ineffective parent, indulgent, and every bit as stubborn and foolish as her daughters, allowing them their way when she ought to be acting like an adult and guiding them. Lily is the perfect picture of a girl who longs for an abusive selfish man over a normal relationship. The Earl and John Eames are interesting characters whose growing friendship was very enjoyable. Most of the readers were excellent.

(4.5 stars)

Perhaps it is not fair to review this book after listening to just one chapter. But I am coming to Trollope after a gap of over 25 years. And the reader makes the whole experience quite delightful. Trollope has such an attractive style, the way he describes things (so vivid!), the underlying current of humor, the flashes of sarcasm, the smooth flow of language. We are in the presence of a master novelist, whose literary genius needs to be appreciated a bit more by our literary critics. Well, have listened to 3 chapters so far. And things are 'so far, so good'.

A look at the low life

(4 stars)

For me, the most interesting parts of this book took place in Mrs Roper's seedy London boarding house, where the low-life struggles and quarrels seemed the most realistic. The main story largely repeats the theme of quite a few books by Trollope and Dickens, in which an eccentric old wealthy patron provides a dowry enabling a nice but impoverished couple to marry and live happily ever after. Great atmosphere and penetrating humour.

well-read, but not a pleasing story

(4 stars)

I'm a big fan of Trollope, but not of this book. It was, dare I say, emotionally unhealthy. The reader is drawn into a loathing, almost masochistic intrigue of Crosbey. Then there's Johnny Eames, who makes you want to slap him until he grows up. But it is engaging, well-written and well-read.

Portraits of Real Choices

(4 stars)

Mr. Trollope sometimes gives us the fairy tale ending and sometimes does not. I'm fascinated at some characters naivety. I found myself chastising certain ones as they moved into unwise areas or abdicated their responsibilities where it was decidedly needed.

(5 stars)

ah! perfect Trollope with rascally gorgeous women and handsome men who pursue titles and wealth ending up sunk in a living hell, while poor but honest girls get their peaceful happy home in the end. Some of the very best readers around


(5 stars)

A more Henry James-like Trollope. very interesting characterizations, and a story that illustrates Oscar Wilde's aphorism, there are two tragedies in life: one is not getting what you want, the other is getting it. uniforms excellent readers.

Ending Not Quite as Predictable

(5 stars)

Nice installment of the series - no big surprises just a good tale about the lives of the gentry of old