Bible (ASV) 05: Deuteronomy
American Standard Version
Read by Sam Stinson

"Deuteronomy (Greek: Δευτερονόμιον, "second law") or Devarim (Hebrew: דְּבָרִים, literally "things" or "words") is the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible, and the fifth of five books of the Jewish Torah/Pentateuch. A large part of the book consists of five sermons delivered by Moses reviewing the previous forty years of wandering in the wilderness, and the future entering into the Promised Land. Its central element is a detailed law-code by which the Israelites are to live within the Promised Land. Theologically the book constitutes the renewing of the covenant between YHWH, the Jewish God, and the 'Children of Israel.'"
(Summary by Wikipedia) (2 hr 47 min)
1 - Chapters 01-03 | 18:20 | Read by Sam Stinson |
2 - Chapters 04-06 | 18:20 | Read by Sam Stinson |
3 - Chapters 07-09 | 14:16 | Read by Sam Stinson |
4 - Chapters 10-13 | 18:36 | Read by Sam Stinson |
5 - Chapters 14-17 | 16:33 | Read by Sam Stinson |
6 - Chapters 18-21 | 14:46 | Read by Sam Stinson |
7 - Chapters 22-25 | 16:16 | Read by Sam Stinson |
8 - Chapters 26-30 | 28:32 | Read by Sam Stinson |
9 - Chapters 31-34 | 21:26 | Read by Sam Stinson |
Well done!

A LibriVox Listener
Sam Stinson does an excellent job with these readings, and I am indebted to him for the value of being able to listen to Scripture while I do housework in order to keep up with my Bible classes!

The reader was clear and expressive. I very much enjoyed this recording.