John Keats: Selected Poems

Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)

(4 stars; 25 reviews)

John Keats is perhaps the most talented poet of the English Romantic Period. Although his life was cut short by disease at the age of 25, he produced some of the most famous poems in world literature. Less erudite and philosophical than Shelley and not so technically versatile as Byron, he displayed a sure poetic instinct and an amazing ability to appeal powerfully to the senses and to the emotions by the brilliance of his diction. Thus his poetry is noted more for exquisite feeling than for thought, but in his particular sphere he was unmatched. His influence upon later poets has been immense. (Introduction by Leonard Wilson) (2 hr 39 min)


La Belle Dame Sans Merci 3:10 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Why did I laugh tonight? No voice will tell 1:43 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Meg Merrilies 1:52 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
The Eve of St. Agnes 25:28 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
The Day Is Gone, And All Its Sweets Are Gone 1:31 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Where Be Ye Going, You Devon Maid? 1:22 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
After Dark Vapours Have Oppressed Our Plains 1:34 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Ode on a Grecian Urn 3:59 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
O Solitude! If I Must with Thee Dwell 1:32 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Keen, Fitful Gusts Are Whisp'ring Here and There 1:21 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Ode (Bards of Passion and of Mirth) 2:17 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
When I have fears 1:23 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Stanzas (In a drear-nighted December) 1:23 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 1:24 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Isabella: or The Pot of Basil 31:20 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Happy Is England 1:22 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
To Fanny 1:30 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
To One Who Has Been Long in City Pent 1:24 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Ode on Melancholy 2:23 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
On Fame 2:27 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
On the Grasshopper and Cricket 1:21 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
To Autumn 2:40 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Fill for Me a Brimming Bowl 1:58 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
How Many Bards Gild the Lapses of Time! 1:30 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Bright Star, would I were stedfast as thou art 1:33 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
To Hope 3:26 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
On the Sonnet 1:26 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Ode to a Nightingale 5:49 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Lamia, part I 25:00 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
Lamia, part II 19:58 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
To Byron 1:23 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)
A Song About Myself 2:51 Read by Leonard Wilson (1930-2024)



(2 stars)

I don't like being overly critical bc these are done by volunteers and i appreciate the service, but the pronunciation wasn't clear enough for me to continue listening to this recording.

(3 stars)

Steady delivery, if a little flat at times. The poems themselves are cleverly written and mostly enjoyable

(0.5 stars)

somehow this reader thinks that the greatness of a poem has to be expressed by reading it in a silly voice. Please anyone from Britain: provide the Librivox community with a version read in an British accent.