The Duke's Children

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.6 stars; 80 reviews)

In the last of the six Palliser novels, the sudden death of his wife, Lady Glencora, leaves Plantagenet Palliser, the Duke of Omnium, finding himself in charge of his three children. The eldest, Lord Silverbridge, has recently been expelled from Oxford; his younger brother, Gerald, is about to enter Cambridge; and the youngest, nineteen-year old Lady Mary, has imprudently formed an attachment to Francis Tregear, who, while certainly a gentleman, unfortunately has no income. Before her death, Glencora knew (and approved) of her daughter's attachment; the Duke, however, does not know of it, and is not at all likely to approve. Mrs. Finn (the former Marie Goesler), who was Glencora's closest friend, learns from Mary of her love for Tregear, and is faced with the question of either keeping silent, thus breaking faith with the Duke (who has entrusted Lady Mary to her care) or telling the Duke, and breaking faith with Mary herself.

Somewhat later Lord Silverbridge himself forms an attachment to an unsuitable (because American!) girl. The Duke, whose overriding passions in life are politics and the decimalization of English currency, finds himself facing the problems brought by his children, which now have to be resolved without their mother's help. It is, in short, a novel about the generation gap, and though Trollope would never have used the term, he was obviously familiar with the problem.
(Summary Nicholas Clifford)

The other Palliser novels are
1 - Can You Forgive Her?
2 - Phineas Finn, the Irish Member
3 - The Eustace Diamonds
4 - Phineus Redux
5 - The Prime Minister
6 - The Duke's Children (22 hr 38 min)


01 - When the Duchess Was Dead 18:49 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
02 - Lady Mary Palliser 22:06 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
03 - Francis Oliphant Tregear 15:05 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
04 - Park Lane 16:16 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
05 - It Is Impossible 24:00 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
06 - Major Tifto 17:50 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
07 - Conservative Convictions 15:05 Read by Debra Lynn
08 - He Is a Gentleman 17:08 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
09 - In Medias Res 19:40 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
10 - Why Not Like Romeo If I Feel Like Romeo? 15:20 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
11 - Cruel 16:00 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
12 - At Richmond 20:34 Read by Piper Hayes
13 - The Duke's Injustice 8:14 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
14 - The New Member for Silverbridge 20:36 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
15 - The Duke Receives a Letter,—and Writes One 20:25 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
16 - Poor Boy 13:18 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
17 - The Derby 20:30 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
18 - One of the Results of the Derby 16:25 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
19 - No; My Lord, I Do Not 16:22 Read by Piper Hayes
20 - Then He Will Come Again 14:39 Read by DianaJMB
21 - Sir Timothy Beeswax 14:26 Read by Piper Hayes
22 - The Duke in His Study 23:16 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
23 - Frank Tregear Wants a Friend 16:07 Read by Piper Hayes
24 - She Must Be Made to Obey 14:44 Read by Debra Lynn
25 - A Family Breakfast-Table 17:11 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
26 - Dinner at the Beargarden 26:46 Read by Piper Hayes
27 - Major Tifto and the Duke 11:25 Read by Piper Hayes
28 - Mrs. Montacute Jones's Garden-Party 19:17 Read by Piper Hayes
29 - The Lovers Meet 15:28 Read by Karen
30 - What Came of the Meeting 14:50 Read by Karen
31 - Miss Boncassen's River-Party. No. 1 19:00 Read by Karen
32 - Miss Boncassen's River-Party. No. 2 19:58 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
33 - The Langham Hotel 21:06 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
34 - Lord Popplecourt 13:55 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
35 - Don't You Think—? 20:06 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
36 - Tally-Ho Lodge 11:52 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
37 - Grex 16:30 Read by Lee Ann Howlett
38 - Crummie-Toddie 15:30 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
39 - Killancodlem 19:49 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
40 - And Then! 19:46 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
41 - Ischl 20:18 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
42 - Again at Killancodlem 17:16 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
43 - What Happened at Doncaster 15:33 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
44 - How It Was Done 15:09 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
45 - There Shall Not Be Another Word About It 19:55 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
46 - Lady Mary's Dream 15:30 Read by Angel5
47 - Miss Boncassen's Idea of Heaven 14:09 Read by Angel5
48 - The Party at Custins Is Broken Up 13:54 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
49 - The Major's Fate 10:23 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
50 - The Duke's Arguments 17:19 Read by Piper Hayes
51 - The Duke's Guests 13:56 Read by Piper Hayes
52 - Miss Boncassen Tells the Truth 21:58 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
53 - Then I Am As Proud As a Queen 17:36 Read by DianaJMB
54 - I Don't Think She Is a Snake 15:01 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
55 - Polpenno 19:24 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
56 - The News Is Sent to Matching 11:42 Read by Piper Hayes
57 - The Meeting at "The Bobtailed Fox" 14:19 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
58 - The Major Is Deposed 12:47 Read by meyerli
59 - No One Can Tell What May Come to Pass 27:52 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
60 - Lord Gerald in Further Trouble 10:37 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
61 - Bone of My Bone 21:14 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
62 - The Brake Country 21:00 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
63 - I've Seen 'Em Like That Before 14:55 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
64 - I Believe Him to Be a Worthy Young Man 12:03 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
65 - Do You Ever Think What Money Is? 16:43 Read by Philippa
66 - The Three Attacks 18:53 Read by Piper Hayes
67 - He Is Such a Beast 12:49 Read by Piper Hayes
68 - Brook Street 20:42 Read by Philippa
69 - Pert Poppet! 16:16 Read by Felicity C
70 - Love May Be a Great Misfortune 14:58 Read by Piper Hayes
71 - What Am I to Say, Sir? 18:18 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
72 - Carlton Terrace 17:52 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
73 - I Have Never Loved You 16:24 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
74 - Let Us Drink a Glass of Wine Together 20:45 Read by Piper Hayes
75 - The Major's Story 12:50 Read by Philippa
76 - On Deportment 14:35 Read by Piper Hayes
77 - Mabel, Good-Bye 28:56 Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)
78 - The Duke Returns to Office 14:19 Read by Jacquerie
79 - The First Wedding 14:44 Read by Jacquerie
80 - The Second Wedding 6:16 Read by Diana Majlinger


perfect title fits the story

(5 stars)

it does not come as a surprise to me that I'm rating this as a five star I would rate it 10 if could be as I think Anthony trollop is one of the better writers and Nicholas Clifford is an awesome narrator as always he captured me from the very first sentence and held me tight through the end even though it was interrupted by others who were mostly all very very good


(4.5 stars)

Yes, but it is not nearly so exciting. This series was well worth the lengthy time. I was surprised that Mrs. Finn did not arrange for her unaccepted legacy from the old Duke to go to Lady Mary.

(5 stars)

The final and last of the Paliser series. The usual Trollopian plot of parental angst and generational conflict, in the world of the privileged aristocratic classes: a million miles from the gritty, heart wrenching, realism, of Charles Dickens.

lovely end to the series

(5 stars)

Great job on the reading—all of the readers did a fine job! My favorites are Nicholas Clifford, Piper Hayes, and Phillips. Trollope at his best!