Waverley, Volume 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4 stars; 23 reviews)

Waverley is set during the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745, which sought to restore the Stuart dynasty in the person of Charles Edward Stuart (or 'Bonnie Prince Charlie'). It relates the story of a young dreamer and English soldier, Edward Waverley, who was sent to Scotland in 1745. He journeys North from his aristocratic family home, Waverley-Honour, in the south of England first to the Scottish Lowlands and the home of family friend Baron Bradwardine, then into the Highlands and the heart of the 1745 Jacobite uprising and aftermath. (Summary by Wikipedia) (0 hr 31 min)


01 - Publishers' Note 5:25 Read by Mike Harris
02 - Advertisement 5:00 Read by Mike Harris
03 - General Preface 40:42 Read by StephenC
04 - Introduction 9:33 Read by David Huston
05 - Preface & Author's Address 7:34 Read by David Huston
06 - Chapter I: Introductory 10:42 Read by Mark F. Smith
07 - Chapter II: Waverley-Honor: A Retrospect 20:23 Read by Mark F. Smith
08 - Chapter III: Education 13:58 Read by David Alexander
09 - Chapter IV: Castle-Building 13:32 Read by TriciaG
10 - Chapter V: Choice of a Profession 20:48 Read by TriciaG
11 - Chapter VI: The Adieus of Waverley 19:42 Read by WestWestest
12 - Chapter VII: A Horse-Quarter in Scotland 12:17 Read by S R Colon
13 - Chapter VIII: A Scottish Manor-House Sixty Years Since 13:37 Read by S R Colon
14 - Chapter IX: More of the Manor-House and Its Environs 14:52 Read by TriciaG
15 - Chapter X: Rose Bradwardine and Her Father 14:44 Read by Ric F
16 - Chapter XI: The Banquet 24:05 Read by TriciaG
17 - Chapter XII: Repentance and a Reconciliation 19:05 Read by Mike Harris
18 - Chapter XIII: A More Rational Day than the Last 20:02 Read by Mike Harris
19 - Chapter XIV: A Discovery - Waverley Becomes Domesticated at Tully-Veolan 19:48 Read by Piper Hayes
20 - Chapter XV: A Creagh, and Its Consequences 22:37 Read by Felicity C
21 - Chapter XVI: An Unexpected Ally Appears 21:51 Read by Felicity C
22 - Chapter XVII: The Hold of a Highland Robber 13:24 Read by SallyMc
23 - Chapter XVIII: Waverley Proceeds on His Journey 27:47 Read by Ric F
24 - Chapter XIX: The Chief and His Mansion 19:09 Read by Ric F
25 - Chapter XX: A Highland Feast 14:24 Read by SallyMc
26 - Chapter XXI: The Chieftain's Sister 10:11 Read by Trihypoo
27 - Chapter XXII: Highland Minstrelsy 21:13 Read by Trihypoo
28 - Chapter XXIII: Waverley Continues at Glennaquoich 11:04 Read by Ric F
29 - Chapter XXIV: A Stag-Hunt and Its Consequences 21:45 Read by lennich
30 - Chapter XXV: News from England 22:54 Read by Piper Hayes
31 - Chapter XXVI: An Eclaircissement 12:42 Read by Felicity C
32 - Chapter XXVII: Upon the Same Subject 21:01 Read by Felicity C
33 - Chapter XXVIII: A Letter From Tully-Veolan 20:46 Read by Felicity C
34 - Chapter XXIX: Waverley's Reception in the Lowlands After His Highland Tour 23:57 Read by Felicity C
35 - Chapter XXX: Shows that the Loss of a Horse's Shoe May Be a Serious Inconv… 17:14 Read by TriciaG
36 - Chapter XXXI: An Examination 21:57 Read by Piper Hayes
37 - Chapter XXXII: A Conference and the Consequence 14:34 Read by S R Colon
38 - Chapter XXXIII: A Confidant 12:33 Read by S R Colon
39 - Chapter XXXIV: Things Mend a Little 6:07 Read by S R Colon
40 - Chapter XXXV: A Volunteer Sixty Years Since 8:22 Read by S R Colon
41 - Appendix I 34:07 Read by TriciaG
42 - Appendix II 37:31 Read by TriciaG
43 - Appendix III 8:01 Read by John Pierce



(4.5 stars)

Whatever Waverley was, he certainly was imprudent in many of his actions; perhaps he will improve in volume II. There were many interesting and informative sections describing everyday life in the highlands. The readers were mostly good; fortunately, most of them did not attempt to read in Scottish dialect, a practice which virtually ruined lisrening to ROB ROY by the same author.

(5 stars)

It's almost like a thriller, in that one trifling incident after another is construed to lead poor callow Waverly to the gallows. I think Scott illustrates how dangerous it might have been to ally oneself even slightly with the Jacobites.