The Pink Fairy Book

Read by Elliott Miller

(4.9 stars; 351 reviews)

All people in the world tell nursery tales to their children, and the stories are apt to be like each other everywhere. A child who has read the Blue and Red and Yellow Fairy Books will find some old friends with new faces in the Pink Fairy Book. Courage, youth, beauty, kindness, have many trials, but they always win the battle; while witches, giants, unfriendly cruel people, are on the losing hand. So it ought to be, and so, on the whole, it is and will be; and that is all the moral of fairy tales. We cannot all be young, alas! and pretty, and strong; but nothing prevents us from being kind, and no kind man, woman, or beast or bird, ever comes to anything but good in these oldest fables of the world. (Summary of the Author's Preface by Elliott Miller) (9 hr 24 min)


Preface 2:59 Read by Elliott Miller
The Cat's Elopement 6:07 Read by Elliott Miller
How the Dragon Was Tricked 7:54 Read by Elliott Miller
The Goblin and the Grocer 7:42 Read by Elliott Miller
The House in the Wood 8:48 Read by Elliott Miller
Uraschimataro and the Turtle 9:45 Read by Elliott Miller
The Slaying of the Tanuki 8:44 Read by Elliott Miller
The Flying Trunk 8:50 Read by Elliott Miller
The Snow-man 10:32 Read by Elliott Miller
The Shirt-collar 5:30 Read by Elliott Miller
The Princess in the Chest 24:03 Read by Elliott Miller
The Three Brothers 4:13 Read by Elliott Miller
The Snow-queen 35:32 Read by Elliott Miller
The Fir-tree 18:05 Read by Elliott Miller
Hans, the Mermaid's Son 24:33 Read by Elliott Miller
Peter Bull 10:11 Read by Elliott Miller
The Bird 'Grip' 17:45 Read by Elliott Miller
Snowflake 8:22 Read by Elliott Miller
I Know What I Have Learned 8:04 Read by Elliott Miller
The Cunning Shoemaker 15:16 Read by Elliott Miller
The King Who Would Have a Beautiful Wife 6:44 Read by Elliott Miller
Catherine and Her Destiny 11:36 Read by Elliott Miller
How the Hermit Helped to Win the King's Daughter 16:27 Read by Elliott Miller
The Water of Life 12:54 Read by Elliott Miller
The Wounded Lion 12:01 Read by Elliott Miller
The Man Without a Heart 12:48 Read by Elliott Miller
The Two Brothers 18:12 Read by Elliott Miller
Master and Pupil 5:14 Read by Elliott Miller
The Golden Lion 9:12 Read by Elliott Miller
The Sprig of Rosemary 12:20 Read by Elliott Miller
The White Dove 13:19 Read by Elliott Miller
The Troll's Daughter 18:26 Read by Elliott Miller
Esben and the Witch 24:36 Read by Elliott Miller
Princess Minon-minette 24:18 Read by Elliott Miller
Maiden Bright-eye 11:40 Read by Elliott Miller
The Merry Wives 7:00 Read by Elliott Miller
King Lindorm 23:00 Read by Elliott Miller
The Jackal, the Dove, and the Panther 9:42 Read by Elliott Miller
The Little Hare 22:17 Read by Elliott Miller
The Sparrow with the Slit Tongue 9:19 Read by Elliott Miller
The Story of Ciccu 30:56 Read by Elliott Miller
Don Giovanni De La Fortuna 9:13 Read by Elliott Miller


Merry Christmas!!

(4.5 stars)

Lovely stories! Especially if your fave color is PINK!!!!!!!!!

oddly one of my favorites

(5 stars)

Great. it seems the colors have little or no correspondance with the style or nature of the stories, for pink is one of the best of the collection and is overall a great audio book. one of the best readers of the entire color fairy story collection reads the entire book! no indecipherable foreign accents, squeeling young women or ridiculous wannabe voice actors. now if only Mr Miller would go redo a version of all the other stories in the series we'd have a amazing collection of fairy tales.

Delightful stories and narration

(5 stars)

Elliott Miller does a superb job of narrating stories from many different countries. I must admit I am a bit of a fairy tale junkie and many of the stories were new to me. Although I will always be partial to the stories of Der Brüder Grimm, Andrew Lang introduces some old friends from Germany and new ones from other lands such as Denmark and Japan. Many thanks to Elliott for bringing the characters to life with his amusing voices and animated narrative style. This audio book will make your trips to the office much more enjoyable!


(5 stars)

This was my favorite out of all the color fairy books


(5 stars)

i loved this book .reader was great


(4 stars)

narrator's voice is very soothing and the stories are fantastic in an innocent way. great for falling asleep to..

Love it!

(5 stars)

Amazing story book! The reader was very good.

great stories

(5 stars)

Thank you so much for reading!