English Synonyms and Antonyms

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.1 stars; 66 reviews)

English Synonyms and Antonyms is basically a vocabulary builder that students might use as they prepare for entrance or exit exams. Each entry gives a list of synonyms, followed by a paragraph that briefly explains or exemplifies the subtle distinctions between the listed words. The entries sometimes close with a few words on the prepositions that follow selected synonyms, but more often with a list of antonyms.

By "synonyms" we usually understand words that coincide or nearly coincide in some part of their meaning, and may hence within certain limits be used interchangeably, while outside of those limits they may differ very greatly in meaning and use. It is the office of a work on synonyms to point out these correspondences and differences, that language may have the flexibility that comes from freedom of selection within the common limits, with the perspicuity and precision that result from exact choice of the fittest words to express each shade of meaning outside of the common limits. (Summary by DSayers and the author from the entry "Synonymous") (19 hr 46 min)


Preface 20:18 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Abandon to Abridgment 25:59 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Absolute to Accessory 25:54 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Accident to Address, n. 19:27 Read by MorganScorpion
Adequate to Airy 21:27 Read by Anita Fleming
Alarm to Alliance 21:23 Read by Julie VW
Allot to Ambition 19:24 Read by Julie VW
Amend to Answer 18:11 Read by MorganScorpion
Anticipate to Appear 16:38 Read by MorganScorpion
Appendage to Artist 17:48 Read by MorganScorpion
Ask to Attain 13:40 Read by Mario Pineda
Attitude to Axiom 15:47 Read by Mario Pineda
Babble to Because 25:49 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Becoming to Bluff 15:46 Read by Mario Pineda
Body to By 18:34 Read by Estelle Jobson
Cabal to Caricature 25:02 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Carry to Change, n. 16:05 Read by Mario Pineda
Character to Clear 15:54 Read by Mario Pineda
Clever to Congratulate 15:51 Read by Mario Pineda
Conquer to Criminal 13:29 Read by Mario Pineda
Daily to Delicious 21:48 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Delightful to Difference 15:49 Read by Amy Benton
Difficult to Dogmatic 13:12 Read by Cate Mackenzie
Doubt, v. to Duty 17:21 Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater
Eager to Emigrate 19:09 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Employ to Enmity 18:33 Read by JimOCR
Entertain to Esteem, n. 14:38 Read by Estelle Jobson
Eternal to Exterminate 24:07 Read by JimOCR
Faint to Fetter 23:13 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Feud to Follow 18:45 Read by Leni
Food to Frugality 20:30 Read by Leni
Garrolous to Grief 21:59 Read by Leni
Habit to Harvest 23:34 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Hatred to High 17:16 Read by Estelle Jobson
Hinder to Hypothesis 16:42 Read by Cate Mackenzie
Idea to Imagination 15:36 Read by Estelle Jobson
Immediately to Influence 15:02 Read by Mario Pineda
Inherent to Involve 13:06 Read by Mario Pineda
Journey to Kill 13:43 Read by Neeru Iyer
Language to Light 17:07 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Likely to Love 12:39 Read by Ken Sterry
Make to Meter 19:13 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Mind to Mysterious 17:09 Read by Mario Pineda
Name to Necessity 16:04 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Neglect to Notwithstanding, prep. 12:51 Read by Neeru Iyer
Oath to Oversight 14:29 Read by Mario Pineda
Pain to Pay, n. 15:49 Read by Estelle Jobson
People to Perverse 19:10 Read by Ken Sterry
Physical to Poetry 15:42 Read by Amy Benton
Polite to Predestination 20:06 Read by JimOCR
Prejudice to Primeval 13:08 Read by Cate Mackenzie
Profit to Proverb 20:37 Read by JimOCR
Prowess to Quote 12:37 Read by Cate Mackenzie
Racy to Record 23:47 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Recover to Renounce 14:32 Read by Mario Pineda
Repentence to Revelation 15:02 Read by Mario Pineda
Revenge to Rustic 13:19 Read by Mario Pineda
Sacrament to Self-Abnegation 14:46 Read by Estelle Jobson
Send to Shake 14:03 Read by Estelle Jobson
Shelter to Slander 13:27 Read by Mario Pineda
Slang to Stain 12:04 Read by Mario Pineda
State to Subvert 12:32 Read by Mario Pineda
Succeed to System 12:20 Read by Mario Pineda
Taciturn to Time 22:25 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Tip to Transient 12:49 Read by Cate Mackenzie
Union to Veneration 21:00 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Venial to Virtue 13:59 Read by musil
Wander to Youthful 17:28 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)


(1 stars)

great book! I'm trying to build up my vocabulary in the English language so you can see why I love it. still I literary skip it when it's Mario Pineda's turn. his narration has plenty of mispronunciations. v turns into b, f turns into p, th turns into d and a lot more. so yes I skipped a lot..

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(4 stars)

Having the text for reinforcement would be especially useful in the case of this book, so look for it at http://wwwDOTgutenbergDOTorg/ebooks/28900

Good enough for free

(5 stars)

The book English synonyms and antonyms is a good source for any person who wants to learn new vocabulary and their meaning.


(5 stars)

the book of synonyms beat internet despite itsabundancd of words

not for me

(0.5 stars)

I did not find this useful.

I like it. I can learn english

(5 stars)

(1 stars)

I skip chapters with Mario guy. Why would not native speakers read this book. I don't want to listen to foreign accents, to be honest.

Non-English Narrator

(1 stars)

great book but for the Non-English speaker. it's hard to understand him with his Spanish accent. need to redo those chapters. he does many of them too and very fast.