Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
W. G. Aitchison Robertson
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

A 1922 source-book for British criminal pathologists, this will be of particular interest to fans of popular police forensics television shows, films, and murder mysteries.(Summary by BellonaTimes) (5 hr 35 min)
Preface and Contents | 8:15 | Read by Bellona Times |
Crimes thru Modes of Sudden Death | 31:51 | Read by Availle |
Signs of Death thru Ch IX | 12:44 | Read by Availle |
Wounds (Ch X-XIV) | 17:44 | Read by Jeanie |
Detection of Blood thru XIX | 17:17 | Read by Linda Ferguson |
Death from... XX-XXII | 5:08 | Read by Linda Ferguson |
Pregnancy thru XXVIII | 21:42 | Read by Jeanie |
Duration of Pregn thru Inheritance | 8:26 | Read by David Lawrence |
Impotence - Marriage | 19:53 | Read by Jennifer Stearns |
Feigned Diseases - Inebriate Act | 39:07 | Read by Bellona Times |
Def of Poison - Symptoms & P-M | 18:04 | Read by Laurie Anne Walden |
Duty of Pract thru Detect of Poison | 12:39 | Read by Sonja |
The Acids IX-XIV | 12:52 | Read by J. M. Smallheer |
Potash - Phosphorous | 12:02 | Read by J. M. Smallheer |
Arsenic - Zinc | 27:25 | Read by J. M. Smallheer |
Gaseous Poisons - Cocaine | 21:57 | Read by Aspergine |
Camphor - Petroleum | 17:22 | Read by Lee Ann Howlett |
Antipyrine - Hydrocyanic | 14:55 | Read by Jeanie |
Aconite - Ptomaines | 15:50 | Read by Jeanie |

This learned text was a reference for prosecuting them. (See below. Well worth a listen when your stomach feels strong. A must for u if you need to know what the actual medical/legal situation was at a certain year or even month. It's the 8th ed. of the original 1899ish work by Dr. William Murrell. Download the free hard copy and check out the extensive table of contents first. Then pick your interest/research area. It is a keeper for your reference shelf! Ch. 15 (16th track) @ 20:30. Did you know? "Cannabis indica, Indian hemp...hashish, used in the East as a sedative, may cause people to run amok and commit murder." (here I thought it was Cannabis sativa that did that, isn't C. indica famous for a symptom needing no definition, 'couchlock'?). And before prescribing cocaine, doctors should see p. 82 of the 1920 Dangerous Drugs Act. Clear readings of amazing resource. Just right for an autodidactic bookworm in the mood for something really different; but truly required reading for researchers .
Great reading experience

Some of the information in this book is still relevant and applicable a century after its publication. The author had an amazing clarity of insight. One of the most entertaining things about the book is its absolutely matter-of-fact style in the description of some really gruesome stuff.
Very interesting listen

Very interesting and informative. Amazing insight considering the time frame of it’s writing. I found it very enjoyable, I’m sure I’ll have to give it another listen soon if only to cement the science in my mind.
Amazing book for the time it was written.

Karen Bromberg
This book I found to be amazing considering the time that it was written. Very informative book.

Cindy Barnett
Wordy but Interesting, author has an exceptional vocabulary (be warned). Narrated by Librivox (several readers). Recommended for mystery readers who like science.
Interesting historically and as an introduction to this topic
