Old-Time Makers of Medicine

Read by LivelyHive

(4.5 stars; 11 reviews)

Dr. Walsh's Old-Time Makers of Medicine chronicles the history and development of modern medicine from ancient times up to the discovery of America. Throughout this historical guide, Dr. Walsh shows numerous examples of practices thought to be entirely modern that were clearly anticipated hundreds or thousands of years ago. Ancient healers sought to use the body's natural healing ability, rather than rely exclusively on external cures. Physicians even in ancient times relied on what is now recognized as the placebo effect.

Dr. Walsh also addresses training and certification in medicine. Medieval universities anticipate our modern medical textbooks with consolidated records of all research and independent investigations, to provide uniform training for students. Likewise, the reader will find that the ancients reacted to unsuccessful treatment in similar degrees to what might now be called medical malpractice suits.

The book is organized chronologically, beginning with the fall of the Roman Empire and growth of the early Christian Church. From there, Dr. Walsh details the development of medical knowledge and practice in Arabia, to Medieval and Renaissance Europe. The reader will also discover how modern cultures based much of their medical knowledge on ancient Greek teachings. The chapters on Arabian Physicians and Medieval Universities also discuss knowledge exchanged between Arabic and European cultures. Dr. Walsh exposes several misconceptions and misinterpretations of history, especially restrictions of medical research stemming from religious prohibitions. (Summary by LivelyHive) (15 hr 40 min)


Preface and Ch. 1 Introduction 48:54 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 2 Great Physicians in Early Christian Times, part 1/3 21:51 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 2 Great Physicians in Early Christian Times, part 2/3 18:34 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 2 Great Physicians in Early Christian Times, part 3/3 41:20 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 3 Great Jewish Physicians, part 1/2 27:08 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 3 Great Jewish Physicians, part 2/2 32:25 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 4 Maimonides 41:11 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 5 Great Arabian Physicians, part 1/2 27:03 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 5 Great Arabian Physicians, part 2/2 39:37 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 6 The Medical School at Salerno 44:12 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 7 Constantine Africanus 27:34 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 8 Medieval Women Physicians 52:11 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 9 Mondino and the Medical School of Bologna, part 1/2 34:29 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 9 Mondino and the Medical School of Bologna, part 2/2 30:21 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 10 Great Surgeons of the Medieval Universities, part 1/3 30:38 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 10 Great Surgeons of the Medieval Universities, part 2/3 32:12 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 10 Great Surgeons of the Medieval Universities, part 3/3 37:10 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 11 Guy de Chauliac, part 1/2 25:32 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 11 Guy de Chauliac, part 2/2 37:18 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 12 Medieval Dentistry—Giovanni of Arcoli, part 1/2 26:46 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 12 Medieval Dentistry—Giovanni of Arcoli, part 2/2 21:37 Read by LivelyHive
Ch. 13 Cusanus and the First Suggestion of Laboratory Methods in Medicine 26:44 Read by LivelyHive
Ch 14. Basil Valentine, Last of the Alchemists, First of the Chemists, part 1/2 23:18 Read by LivelyHive
Ch 14. Basil Valentine, Last of the Alchemists, First of the Chemists, part 2/2 37:59 Read by LivelyHive
Ap. 1 St. Luke the Physician, part 1/2 28:03 Read by LivelyHive
Ap. 1 St. Luke the Physician, part 2/2 19:44 Read by LivelyHive
Ap. 2 Science at the Medieval Universities, part 1/2 28:55 Read by LivelyHive
Ap. 2 Science at the Medieval Universities, part 2/2 34:28 Read by LivelyHive
Ap. 3 Medieval Popularization of Science and Footnotes 43:44 Read by LivelyHive


Bravo, Reader

(5 stars)

Though a layperson I enjoy works like this. How amazing to also have a reader sufficiently erudite to read the german and latin so well. Hope to see more from you sir but if not thanks for this book!!

(5 stars)

Fascinating book and exceedingly well read. Thank you, reader! And thank you LibriVox.

interesting and educational

(5 stars)

This is am amazing book

1911 work by medical professor

(5 stars)

1911 work on the history of medicine, from ancient times through the Middle Ages. Respected doctor's carefully researched history spiced with interesting anecdotes such as malpractice lawsuits in the ancient world. Thanks, wonderful LibriVox readers!