Langstroth on the Hive and the Honey-Bee: A Bee Keeper's Manual
L. L. Langstroth
Read by LivelyHive

Langstroth revolutionized the beekeeping industry by using bee space in his top opened hive. In the summer of 1851 he found that, by leaving an even, approximately bee-sized space between the top of the frames holding the honeycomb and the flat coverboard lying above, he was able to quite easily remove the latter, which was normally well cemented to the frames with propolis making separation hard to achieve. Later he had the idea to use this discovery to make the frames themselves easily removable. He found that, if he left a small space (less than 1/4 inch or 6.4 mm) between the combs, or between the combs and the sides of his hives, the bees would fill it with propolis thus cementing the combs into the hive. On the other hand, when he left a larger space (more than 3/8 inch or 9.5 mm) the bees would fill it with comb which had a similar effect. (Summary from Wikipedia) (15 hr 13 min)
Classic text, need new reader

I appreciate the work it takes to read and submit an audiobook. In the case of his book -- a seminal work by one of the legends of beekeeping -- we need a more experienced reader. Pronunciation is a problem, breath control, etc.
Amazing insights and immersion in culture of the day.

Very poor narration

Even if a book is boring, a narrator can make it interesting. The narrator pays no regard to punctuations. person sounds like he is learning how to read. Look at the person who read "the behaviour of honeybees in pollen collecting". Even though a boring subject, it is interesting to listen to.
needs new reader

Tom Suica
please call william dufris ill pay q/4 of it. Adam Mar. bless his heart. Not ready to narrate for this title.
A must listen for aspiring thru expert beekeepers!

Brett Witte
So very much enjoyable information!