The World Set Free

Read by LivelyHive

(3.5 stars; 43 reviews)

The World Set Free is a novel published in 1914 by H. G. Wells. The book is considered a prophetical novel foretelling the advent of nuclear weapons.

A constant theme in Wells's work, such as his 1901 nonfiction book Anticipations, was the role of energy and technological advance as a determinant of human progress.

The novel opens: "The history of mankind is the history of the attainment of external power. Man is the tool-using, fire-making animal." Scientists of the day were well aware that the slow natural radioactive decay of elements like radium continues for thousands of years, and that while the rate of energy release is negligible, the total amount released is huge. Wells used this as the basis for his story. (Summary on Wikipedia) (8 hr 10 min)


Prelude 0:56 Read by LivelyHive
Chapter 1, The Sun Snarers, part one 39:29 Read by LivelyHive
Chapter 1, The Sun Snarers, part two 37:58 Read by LivelyHive
Chapter 2, The Last War, part one 45:58 Read by LivelyHive
Chapter 2, The Last War, part two 51:21 Read by LivelyHive
Chapter 3, The Ending of War, part one 59:00 Read by LivelyHive
Chapter 3, The Ending of War, part two 39:26 Read by LivelyHive
Chapter 4, The New Phase, part one 55:03 Read by LivelyHive
Chapter 4, The New Phase, part two 36:07 Read by LivelyHive
Chapter 5, The Last Days of Marcus Karenin, part one 36:09 Read by LivelyHive
Chapter 5, The Last Days of Marcus Karenin, part two 33:56 Read by LivelyHive


terrible reading

(1 stars)

the story itself is quite interesting the little bit tedious. The main problem I have with this audiobook is the performance of the reader. It sounds like it was recorded with a cheap headset microphone with no windscreen. there are constant splosives (Ps) and sibilance. furthermore the reader has trouble pronouncing words correctly and his inflections are often misplaced. I gave up listening to the book about a third of the way through. It was just too annoying.


(0.5 stars)

I agree with everyone else about the reader, awful. However I found another reading of this book in here read by multiple readers, but was much better, and overall very good. couldn't make it through 30 minutes of this one.

the reader

(2 stars)

the reader is just not engaging. I sense the book has potential but the reader is clearly having trouble even if he is a native english speaker.

decent but not great vocal portion

(2 stars)

the way the person reads is very dull and almost puts your to sleep. I was fighting sleep trying to listen.

Atomic War? 1907?

(5 stars)

Was ahead of his time every time.

(2 stars)

boring and bad narrator. don't waste your time.

the world set

(5 stars)

the world set


(4.5 stars)

The central conceit of this book is that advancing forms of energy will free society and alleviate toil. In actuality cheap energy and the alleviation of toil will force society to invent new dragons to be slayed. The chief dragon in this vein is the dragon of injustice. Being a person of my time, I must take up this fight against injustice. I must therefore criticize Wells. This work was written from an exclusively western white phalogocentric lworld view, known to exclude BIPOCs and other marginalized peoples. I therefore declare it RAYCYST and want it banned. If I were toiling on the farm 14 hours a day I would not have time to write this. However since I have access to fossil fuels, I have become enslaved by an endless fight against white bias and perceived herternormativity.