The Servile State

Read by Ray Clare

(4.8 stars; 31 reviews)

A clear boundary exists between the servile and the non-servile condition of labour, and the conditions upon either side of that boundary utterly differ one from another, Where there is compulsion applicable by positive law to men of a certain status, such compulsion enforced in the last resort by the powers at the disposal of the State, there is the institution of Slavery ; and if that institution be sufficiently expanded the whole State may be said to repose upon a servile basis, and is a Servile State.
(Hilaire Belloc) (4 hr 27 min)


Section 01 14:49 Read by Ray Clare
Section 02 16:19 Read by Ray Clare
Section 03 15:14 Read by Ray Clare
Section 04 15:58 Read by Ray Clare
Section 05 15:28 Read by Ray Clare
Section 06 15:00 Read by Ray Clare
Section 07 16:12 Read by Ray Clare
Section 08 15:04 Read by Ray Clare
Section 09 15:58 Read by Ray Clare
Section 10 15:35 Read by Ray Clare
Section 11 16:05 Read by Ray Clare
Section 12 16:08 Read by Ray Clare
Section 13 14:22 Read by Ray Clare
Section 14 15:12 Read by Ray Clare
Section 15 14:05 Read by Ray Clare
Section 16 15:17 Read by Ray Clare
Section 17 15:46 Read by Ray Clare
Section 18 5:20 Read by Ray Clare


an introduction to distributivism by its alternatives

(5 stars)

the nutshell of the book is that society with high inequality tends to naturally shift to a state that accepts slavery. the alternative is to helpthe lower classes become members of a larger class of owners.


(5 stars)

Thank you for this great solo recording!