The Discovery of New Worlds

Read by Laura Caldwell

(4.5 stars; 36 reviews)

This is the second volume in the series, The Story of the World, which covers the period of history from the rise of Rome to the Conquest of Peru. Along the way, passing through the Dark Ages, going on the Crusades, and exploring the unknown world with the brave men who had the courage to travel unknown seas. Also featured is the destruction of Pompeii and the invention of the Printing Press, along with many other interesting happenings of history during this time period. (Summary by Laura Caldwell) (5 hr 22 min)


The Roman World 5:30 Read by Laura Caldwell
A Great World Power 5:53 Read by Laura Caldwell
Voyage and Shipwreck 6:58 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Tragedy of Nero 5:32 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Great Fire in Rome 6:44 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Destruction of Pompeii 7:58 Read by Laura Caldwell
Marcus Aurelius 6:31 Read by Laura Caldwell
Decline of the Roman Empire 6:15 Read by Laura Caldwell
Christians to the Lions 7:18 Read by Laura Caldwell
A New Rome 5:37 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Armies of the North 6:46 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Dark Ages 4:55 Read by Laura Caldwell
King Arthur and His Knights 7:45 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Hero of Two Nations 7:36 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Hardy Northmen 5:49 Read by Laura Caldwell
How the Northmen Conquered England 7:04 Read by Laura Caldwell
A Spanish Hero 7:55 Read by Laura Caldwell
The First Crusade 7:29 Read by Laura Caldwell
Frederick Barbarossa 6:46 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Third Crusade 5:47 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Days of Chivalry 5:08 Read by Laura Caldwell
Queen of the Adriatic 6:47 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Story of Marco Polo 7:57 Read by Laura Caldwell
Dante's Great Poem 6:07 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Maid of Orleans 7:31 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Sea of Darkness 5:50 Read by Laura Caldwell
Prince Henry, the Sailor 5:27 Read by Laura Caldwell
A Famous Voyage 5:44 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Invention of Printing 6:12 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Stormy Cape 6:07 Read by Laura Caldwell
Vasco Da Gama's Great Voyage 6:15 Read by Laura Caldwell
India at Last 5:45 Read by Laura Caldwell
The New Trade-Route 5:54 Read by Laura Caldwell
Golden Goa 6:27 Read by Laura Caldwell
Christopher Columbus 5:39 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Last of the Moors 6:43 Read by Laura Caldwell
Discovery of the New World 6:04 Read by Laura Caldwell
The West Indies 6:01 Read by Laura Caldwell
Columbus in Chains 6:23 Read by Laura Caldwell
A Great Mistake 6:41 Read by Laura Caldwell
Follow the Leader 6:57 Read by Laura Caldwell
Discovery of the Pacific 6:27 Read by Laura Caldwell
Magellan's Great Plan 5:28 Read by Laura Caldwell
Magellan's Straits 6:02 Read by Laura Caldwell
Round the World 6:47 Read by Laura Caldwell
The Finding of Mexico 6:07 Read by Laura Caldwell
Montezuma 8:11 Read by Laura Caldwell
Siege and Fall of Mexico 5:49 Read by Laura Caldwell
Conquest of Peru 8:30 Read by Laura Caldwell
A Great Awakening 4:58 Read by Laura Caldwell


For history lovers

(5 stars)

If you love history, this is right up your ally. Every short chapter is an essential adventure on the road to the advancement of our civilization. Author M B Synge has a most wonderful talent for condensing these astounding stories into such short bites of adventure. Every single chapter presented here warrants the separate reading of a full scholarly work on the subject, if you have the time. M B Synge’s book is classified in the “young people’s” category; however, it is consummately fascinating for adults as well. You will frequently find yourself dropping your jaw in awe of our intrepid ancestors. Reader, Laura Caldwell, is endowed with reading talent possessed by very very few. She is remarkable.

Discovery of New Worlds

(5 stars)

5 stars for the book and reader. I learned so much listening to this book. Unfortunately much of it is man's inhumane treatment of other men.

Well read

(5 stars)

I liked the very short historical stories and it was well read.

great title

(3 stars)

Id call this more of a myth than a history XD