Ragged Dick

Read by Alys AtteWater

(4.8 stars; 186 reviews)

Horatio Alger, Jr. was well known for his best-selling series of books highlighting “the American Dream” of poor boys making good and becoming rich and successful through “luck and pluck”. Ragged Dick was the first in this niche, and follows the adventures of Dick Hunter, a ragged bootblack as he makes the decision to “grow up ’spectable”, and how he goes about achieving his goals through the help of his friends, his inherent honesty, and his belief in hard work and study. (Summary by Alice)
(4 hr 37 min)


Ragged Dick - Chapters 01 and 02 19:12 Read by Alys AtteWater
Ragged Dick - Chapters 03 and 04 18:54 Read by Alys AtteWater
Ragged Dick - Chapters 05 and 06 21:02 Read by Alys AtteWater
Ragged Dick - Chapters 07 and 08 18:21 Read by Alys AtteWater
Ragged Dick - Chapters 09 and 10 23:29 Read by Alys AtteWater
Ragged Dick - Chapters 11 and 12 21:00 Read by Alys AtteWater
Ragged Dick - Chapters 13 and 14 20:14 Read by Alys AtteWater
Ragged Dick - Chapters 15 and 16 21:32 Read by Alys AtteWater
Ragged Dick - Chapters 17 and 18 22:29 Read by Alys AtteWater
Ragged Dick - Chapters 19 and 20 23:40 Read by Alys AtteWater
Ragged Dick - Chapters 21 and 22 23:52 Read by Alys AtteWater
Ragged Dick - Chapters 23 and 24 19:53 Read by Alys AtteWater
Ragged Dick - Chapters 25, 26, and 27 24:06 Read by Alys AtteWater


An Alger Classic!

(5 stars)

If you want to take a trip to the land of Horatio Alger Jr., this is the book to begin your journey. Alger is known for his Rags to Riches stories, and this exemplifies the genre. You'll become immersed in the life of a young boot black (shoe polisher), in Old New York, as his hard work, honesty, and perseverance take him far. It is read well, and I enjoyed it very much.

(5 stars)

The story is engrossing and poignant. The reading was good and clear, but the voice changing/acting was a bit over the top and a little distracting. I was particularly troubled by the glossing over of warrantless searches that the boys were subjected to, especially in contrast to the fascist leanings of current times (stop and search, racial profiling, war on drugs, etc). I think this story is supposed to be set in America of 150 years before now, the early times of veneration for freedom and liberty.

Great H Alger story

(5 stars)

One of the best Alger tales. Great for a glimpse into 19th street life and characters. Alyse Attewatter's readings are the best I have come across and her interpretations of all the characters are good; but her portrayal of the protagonist is "spot on." Worth the listen just to hear her do Ragged Dick justice..A shame she has done so few readings


(5 stars)

There was never a white boot black in all of HIStory Only BIPOCs were forced to shine shoes. In actuality, Ragged Dick was a landed white male who owned slaves. All the cool things attributed to Ragged Dick, were actually done by his BIPOC slave, Slick Dickinson. Ragged Dick just took credit for all the Slick's good works. Whitey is truly evil. It is a shame these stories are allowed on librvvox. How can amazon continue to provide us with curated truth, if Librvox keeps giving us these lies for free.


(5 stars)

The variation of voice that the reader uses is well done and the story is a delight! This story makes one wish that it was much longer than it is. A nicely narrated description of early New York City. I highly recommend this story, it is both inspiring and fun to hear!

Story of loyalty and perseverance

(5 stars)

I love this book! I always love characters like Dick. So full of loyalty, honesty and perseverance. Qualities you don’t see much in today’s society, books and otherwise. The reader did an excellent job as well!

Delightfully read...

(5 stars)

Delightfully read by Alys Attewater (who never even says her name!), and a very interesting book written with good humor and good nature, and with fascinating views of a New York City from 150 years ago.

pretty good!

(5 stars)

I enjoyed this book. I am glad I stumbled upon it. Never heard of the author before . The narrator does a fantastic job.