The Scalp Hunters

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4 stars; 20 reviews)

"Unroll the world’s map, and look upon the great northern continent of America. Away to the wild west, away toward the setting sun, away beyond many a far meridian, let your eyes wander. Rest them where golden rivers rise among peaks that carry the eternal snow. Rest them there.

You are looking upon a land whose features are un-furrowed by human hands, still bearing the marks of the Almighty mould, as upon the morning of creation; a region whose every object wears the impress of God’s image. His ambient spirit lives in the silent grandeur of its mountains, and speaks in the roar of its mighty rivers: a region redolent of romance, rich in the reality of adventure.

Follow me, with the eye of your mind, through scenes of wild beauty, of savage sublimity."

So begins this early book by Mayne Reid, a book of romance, of adventure, and of the wide open spaces of the Wild West. (Adapted from the first chapter) (0 hr 9 min)


The Wild West 13:49 Read by Dale Latham
The Prairie Merchant 9:42 Read by Deon Gines
The Prairie Fever 9:06 Read by Dale Latham
A Ride on a Buffalo Bull 15:54 Read by Deon Gines
In a Bad Fix 16:49 Read by Dale Latham
Santa Fe 12:56 Read by Deon Gines
The Fandango 20:17 Read by Deon Gines
Seguin the Scalp-Hunter 9:41 Read by Deon Gines
Left Behind 10:54 Read by Deon Gines
The Del Norte 8:18 Read by Deon Gines
The 'Journey of Death' 11:10 Read by Deon Gines
Zoe 11:12 Read by Deon Gines
Seguin 6:22 Read by Deon Gines
Love 6:25 Read by Deon Gines
Light and Shade 8:28 Read by Deon Gines
An Autobiography 17:56 Read by Deon Gines
Up the Del Norte 11:04 Read by Deon Gines
Geography and Geology 13:55 Read by Deon Gines
The Scalp-Hunters 19:55 Read by Deon Gines
Sharp-Shooting 18:06 Read by Bill Boerst
A Feat a la Tell 10:33 Read by Bill Boerst
A Feat a la Tail 11:52 Read by Deon Gines
The Programme 10:45 Read by Deon Gines
El Sol and La Luna 10:28 Read by Bill Boerst
The War-Trail 18:35 Read by Bill Boerst
Three Days in the Trap 18:02 Read by Deon Gines
The Diggers 7:22 Read by Deon Gines
Dacoma 13:21 Read by Bill Boerst
A Dinner with Two Dishes 20:29 Read by Bill Boerst
Blinding the Pursuer 17:29 Read by Deon Gines
A Buffalo 'Surround' 17:32 Read by Deon Gines
Another 'Coup' 11:07 Read by Bill Boerst
A Bitter Trap 10:26 Read by Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan
The Phantom City 19:18 Read by Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan
The Mountain of Gold 9:28 Read by Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan
Navajoa 9:05 Read by Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan
The Night Ambuscade 9:23 Read by Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan
Adele 16:26 Read by Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan
The White Scalp 16:08 Read by Kit Noussis
The Fight in the Pass 20:09 Read by Deon Gines
The Barranca 14:09 Read by Deon Gines
The Foe 7:35 Read by Bill Boerst
New Misery 12:08 Read by Bill Boerst
The Flag of Truce 12:50 Read by Daniel Nunan
A Vexed Treaty 15:27 Read by Deon Gines
A Conflict with Closed Doors 12:31 Read by Deon Gines
A Queer Encounter in a Cave 13:50 Read by Bill Boerst
Smoked Out 7:36 Read by Bill Boerst
A Novel Mode of Equitation 6:09 Read by Bill Boerst
A Fast Dye 10:37 Read by Deon Gines
Astonishing the Natives 10:06 Read by Deon Gines
Running Amuck 11:19 Read by Bill Boerst
A Conflict Upon a Cliff 16:27 Read by Deon Gines
An Unexpected Encontre 13:07 Read by Deon Gines
The Rescue 11:01 Read by TriciaG
El Paso Del Norte 8:19 Read by Larry Wilson
Touching the Chords of Memory 15:59 Read by Larry Wilson


(1 stars)

The first half of the book is a bit slow, but when it starts to get a good in the second half, it is completely RUINED by some terrible readers! I know they are volunteers, but some had annoying voices and Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan either had a speech impediment, or was drunk and unintelligible at points! Relying on volunteers as one thing, but this was shocking! Surely these books must be vetted, and if you can’t read clearly with a decent sounding voice, they should say thanks but no thanks!! If you persevere through these things, the second half of the book is really good.

(4 stars)

first half is boring. last half pretty good. a few very annoying readers but most are good

(5 stars)

It took my breath away, not once, but chapter after chapter.