The Collected Public Domain Works of H. P. Lovecraft
H. P. Lovecraft
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

H. P. Lovecraft’s name is synonymous with horror fiction. His major inspiration and invention was cosmic horror: the idea that life is incomprehensible to human minds and that the universe is fundamentally alien. This collection contains 24 Lovecraft works that are in the public domain. You'll find more versions of these stories throughout LibriVox's short story collections and short horror story collections. (adapted from Wikipedia) (7 hr 39 min)
The Alchemist | 19:23 | Read by Keith Worrell |
The Beast In Cave | 14:17 | Read by Scott Carpenter |
Beyond Wall of Sleep | 32:54 | Read by D.E. Wittkower |
The Cats of Ulthar | 8:44 | Read by jpontoli |
Celephais | 19:31 | Read by Garrett Fitzgerald |
The Crawling Chaos | 16:54 | Read by Joseph Canna |
Dagon | 14:56 | Read by Michael Sample |
Doom That Came to Sarnath, The | 18:18 | Read by Matt Bohnhoff |
Ex Oblivione | 4:44 | Read by jpontoli |
Facts Concerning Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family | 34:13 | Read by Victoria Horsman |
Herbert West: Reanimator, Part A | 39:54 | Read by Matt Bohnhoff |
Herbert West: Reanimator, Part B | 40:57 | Read by Matt Bohnhoff |
Memory | 2:48 | Read by Varra Unreal |
The Music of Erich Zann | 18:50 | Read by Cameron Halket |
The Nameless City | 28:02 | Read by Scott Carpenter |
Nyarlathotep | 8:21 | Read by Durant Haire |
The Picture in House | 23:43 | Read by Sandra Zera |
Polaris | 9:48 | Read by jpontoli |
A Reminiscence Of Dr. Samuel Johnson | 11:37 | Read by Cameron Halket |
The Statement of Randolph Carter | 13:23 | Read by Joseph Canna |
The Street | 14:31 | Read by Sarah Jennings |
The Terrible Old Man | 6:45 | Read by Keith Worrell |
The Tomb | 25:58 | Read by jpontoli |
The Tree | 11:14 | Read by Michael Sample |
The White Ship | 19:54 | Read by D.E. Wittkower |
Hit and miss

Eric Amy
Wish I could rate individual chapters. Most readers were exceptional, but a few were unintelligible. For example, Librivox shouldn't be a place for novices to practice their English, pronouncing every word phonetically, often with the wrong vowel sounds. The stories were of similarly varied quality. Good imagery throughout, but a few were predictable or anticlimactic.
Master of the macabre

B.T. Jensen
HP Lovecraft truly is a master of the supernatural and macabre and this is a pretty good collection of his eerie and strange tales. Some of the readers aren't so great but I didn't volunteer and so I thank them all. I recommend reading all Lovecraft's works yourself and only then pass judgment. My review is that this collection is badass.
The collected works of HP Lovecraft

Master of the macabre
literary genius and yet to be surpassed in the field of horror to this day. good collection of his works,not as easy to follow as more modern authors but his style is unique and as detailed as any author that has put pen to paper.
Great bedtime stories need great readers.

A LibriVox Listener
I have enjoyed this collection thoroughly save for an example or two of poor audio editing and readership (*cough* Fitzgerald reading "Celephais" *cough*). It is difficult to enjoy the stories and styles of the writer when one can hardly focus past their constant annoyance at the cumbersome quality of the narrarating voice.
The Master

Such great stories, well-done you guys.
Good job

Clay & Shan Gilmore
Well worth listening to
sheer brilliance

Loving Craft
I have yet to behold a more well versed author than Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Such spooky tales uttered from his work of fiction can chill the bones and inspire an appreciation for horror literature like none other. Exemplary use of vocabulary can be found throughout all tales educating the reader to new words while providing the most whimsical stories. My only concern is that not all of his works are uploaded to librivox. If you enjoy this author's works a fraction of how much I did, you will have a superb experience of these stellar stories.
Highly Recommend

These are some great stories of dream voyages, sci-fi horror and twisted science that have been the inspiration for many modern movies and stories by other writers. H. P. Lovecraft inspired a literary genre, and was the greatist horror writer of the 20th century, yet only four people attended his funeral. I think his stories are to be read and do not carry over well into movies. A respectable movie based on his works has yet to be made, though many have tried.