The Tempest
William Shakespeare
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Banished from his own lands by a usurping brother, Prospero and his daughter Miranda have been living on a deserted island for years, until fate brings the brother within the range of Prospero's powers. Will he seek revenge, or reconcilement? (Summary by Karen Savage)
Narrator – Great Plains
Alonso, King of Naples – hefyd
Sebastian, his brother – Nathan Markham
Prospero, the right Duke of Milan – Bruce Pirie
Antonio, his brother, the usurping Duke of Milan – Jason Mills
Ferdinand, son to the King of Naples – mb
Gonzalo, an honest old Counsellor – Lorelle Anderson
Adrian, a Lord – EricJ
Francisco, a Lord – Aaron Elliott
Caliban, a savage and deformed Slave – Jason Mills
Trinculo, a Jester – Ryan Dressler
Stephano, a drunken Butler – Arielle Lipshaw
Master of a Ship – Annoying Twit
Boatswain – Jennifer Stearns
Mariners – Miriam Esther Goldman
Miranda, daughter to Prospero – Elizabeth Klett
Ariel, an airy Spirit – Karen Savage
Iris, a Spirit – Abigail Bartels
Ceres, a Spirit – Jessamie
Juno, a Spirit – Lucy Perry (1 hr 55 min)
Dramatis Personae | 1:32 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Act I | 32:04 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Act II | 25:48 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Act III | 21:01 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Act IV | 15:04 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |
Act V | 20:16 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |

A LibriVox Listener
oh god, if you don't know how to read for an audience, DON'T. I appreciate the effort of the readers, but some sound no better than a computet-generated voice, making the end product useless as audio. To the good readers: thanks for your attempt to make this listenable.

It was not great. Some of the men are played by women. Not really a problem for me though. Not the best acting.
Mt favourite story tortured!

I feel I was robbed of 35 seconds of my life. ROBBED!!!
you couldn’t have made it any better

When I first started listening I knew it was not good at all. And Henry v is also bad really bad.
loss of words

sunidhi katiyar
I can never show thee how great full i shall be, for the volunteers and their works, I shall never be THANKFREE
Quick listen

Not the best, but still good readers. Nicely edited and easy to listen to.

A LibriVox Listener
Loved the reading of this play but Shakespeare is not my favorite author.

easily one of the best dramatized versions of Shakespeare on this platform!