Hurlbut's Story of the Bible Part 6

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.9 stars; 16 reviews)

Some years ago, the editor of an English magazine sent a communication to "the hundred greatest men in Great Britain" asking them this question: "If for any reason you were to spend a year absolutely alone, in a prison for instance, and could select from your library three volumes to be taken with you as companions in your period of retirement please to inform us what those three books would be." The inquiry was sent to peers of the realm, prominent leaders in politics, judges, authors, manufacturers, merchants, gentlemen of leisure—men who would represent every aspect of successful life. In the answers it was found that ninety-eight of the hundred men named "The Bible" first on the list of the three books to be chosen. (From Book introduction) (5 hr 31 min)


01 - The Angel by the Altar 9:28 Read by Sean McGaughey
02 - The Manger of Bethlehem 8:08 Read by John Lieder
03 - The Star and the Wise Men 6:43 Read by Esther
04 - The Boy in his Father's House 5:35 Read by T. Wellington
05 - The Prophet in the Wilderness 5:43 Read by T. Wellington
06 - Jesus in the Desert, and beside the River 9:17 Read by T. Wellington
07 - The Water Jars at the Wedding Feast 7:21 Read by T. Wellington
08 - The Stranger at the Well 8:30 Read by T. Wellington
09 - The Story of a Boy in Capernaum and a Riot 6:54 Read by T. Wellington
10 - A Net Full of Fishes 5:22 Read by T. Wellington
11 - The Leper and the Man Let Down through the Roof 8:35 Read by webround
12 - The Cripple at the Pool and the Withered Hand 9:06 Read by webround
13 - The Twelve Disciples and the Sermon on the Mount 13:20 Read by webround
14 - The Captain's Servant, the Widow's Son, and a Sinner 10:44 Read by webround
15 - Some Stories Jesus Told by the Sea 10:53 Read by peaceuntoyou
16 - Peace, Be Still 6:04 Read by Ezwa
17 - The Little Girl Who Was Raised to Life 5:52 Read by Sibella Denton
18 - A Dancing Girl and What Was Given Her 5:22 Read by Sibella Denton
19 - The Feast beside the Sea and What Followed It 7:26 Read by Sibella Denton
20 - The Answer to a Mother's Prayer 6:21 Read by Sibella Denton
21 - The Glory of Jesus on the Mountain 8:01 Read by Sibella Denton
22 - The Little Child in the Arms of Jesus 4:37 Read by Sibella Denton
23 - At the Feast of Tabernacles 4:55 Read by Sibella Denton
24 - The Man with Clay on His Face 7:40 Read by Ezwa
25 - The Good Shepherd and the Good Samaritan 6:41 Read by Megan Kunkel
26 - Lazarus Raised to Life 6:04 Read by Esther
27 - Some Parables in Perea 16:09 Read by peaceuntoyou
28 - The Poor Rich Man and the Rich Poor Man 11:08 Read by humeangel
29 - Jesus at Jericho 7:37 Read by Esther
30 - Palm Sunday 6:59 Read by Sean McGaughey
31 - The Last Vistis of Jesus to the Temple 9:07 Read by Janelle Parham
32 - The Parables on the Mount of Olives 7:49 Read by Ezwa
33 - The Last Supper 9:52 Read by John Lieder
34 - The Olive Orchard and the High Priests Hall 9:26 Read by John Lieder
35 - The Crown of Thorns 14:41 Read by peaceuntoyou
36 - The Darkest Day of All the World 14:23 Read by peaceuntoyou
37 - The Brightest Day of All the World 16:33 Read by peaceuntoyou
38 - The Stranger on the Shore 12:49 Read by peaceuntoyou



(5 stars)

such a wonderful way to introduce the narrative of scripture. yes there is far more then stories in scripture but a basic understanding and familiarity of those stories early on helps with greater understanding of the bible.