The Mysteries of London Vol. I part 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.4 stars; 28 reviews)

The Mysteries of London was a best-selling novel in mid-Victorian England. The first series was published in weekly instalments from 1844-46, priced at a penny each. Serialised novels sold in this way were known as Penny Dreadfuls … without any claim to literary greatness, they sought to provide ongoing entertainment for the popular audience. This book has it all -- vice, poverty, wealth, virtue, in every combination. Consider it a Victorian soap opera.
Summary by Cori Samuel.

Note: this project only covers half of volume 1. To be continued! (22 hr 43 min)


Prologue 8:51 Read by Cori Samuel
The Old House in Smithfield 13:14 Read by Cori Samuel
The Mysteries of the Old House 12:24 Read by Cori Samuel
The Trap-door 10:45 Read by Cori Samuel
The Two Trees 22:21 Read by Cori Samuel
Eligible Acquaintances 20:12 Read by Cori Samuel
Mrs Arlington 18:03 Read by Cori Samuel
The Boudoir 17:25 Read by Cori Samuel
The Conversation 10:24 Read by Cori Samuel
A City Man. Smithfield Scenes 27:50 Read by Cori Samuel
The Frail One's Story 14:14 Read by Cori Samuel
The Servants' Arms 21:18 Read by Cori Samuel
Bank Notes 12:36 Read by Cori Samuel
The Hell 15:03 Read by Cori Samuel
The Station-house 13:49 Read by Cori Samuel
The Police-Office 15:54 Read by Cori Samuel
The Beginning of Misfortunes 20:32 Read by Cori Samuel
A Den of Horrors 22:26 Read by Bellona Times
The Boozing-Ken 25:54 Read by Dave Wills
Morning 15:37 Read by Kaytee2407
The Villa 16:36 Read by Annapurna
Atrocity 13:01 Read by Annapurna
A Woman's Mind 15:18 Read by Annapurna
The Old House in Smithfield's Again 21:01 Read by ashleighjane
Circumstantial Evidence 16:43 Read by Lynne T
The Enchantress 21:41 Read by ElleyKat
Newgate 16:38 Read by Lynne T
The Republican and the Resurrexction Man 13:43 Read by Alan Weyman
The Dungeon 30:39 Read by NatalieOram
The Black Chamber 18:01 Read by Rosie
The 26th of November 35:58 Read by Rosie
Explanations 15:20 Read by Rosie
The Old Bailey 28:17 Read by Rosie
Another Day at the Old Bailey 13:57 Read by Michele Eaton
The Lesson Interrupted 10:26 Read by Michele Eaton
Whitecross Street Prison 24:15 Read by nbvoices
The Execution 25:47 Read by Ravi Shankar
The Lapse of Two Years 23:06 Read by Lisa Phelps Gonzalez
The Visit 22:51 Read by Lisa Phelps Gonzalez
The Dream 13:48 Read by Lynne T
The Speculation. An Unwelcome Meeting 24:56 Read by Gabriela Cowan
Mr Greenwood 21:56 Read by Gabriela Cowan
The Dark House 32:22 Read by rookieblue
The Mummy 19:48 Read by Rapunzelina
The Body-Snatchers 17:15 Read by Lynne T
The Fruitless Search 18:51 Read by southernemma
Richard and Isabella part 1 26:37 Read by Dave Wills
Richard and Isabella part 2 22:22 Read by Dave Wills
Eliza Sydney 17:06 Read by Lynne T
Mr Greenwood's Visitors part 1 25:05 Read by Dave Wills
Mr Greenwood's Visitors part 2 22:06 Read by Dave Wills
The Document 25:39 Read by Steve C
The Drugged Wine-Glass 19:21 Read by Lynne T
Diana and Eliza 14:22 Read by Lynne T
The Bed of Sickness 12:36 Read by Dave Wills
Accusations and Explanations 31:07 Read by Dave Wills
The Banker 30:04 Read by Dave Wills
Miserimma! 26:52 Read by Judy Guinan
The Road to Ruin 34:50 Read by Dave Wills
The Last Resource 14:26 Read by Dave Wills
New Year's Day 25:21 Read by Judy Guinan
The Royal Lovers 16:32 Read by Judy Guinan
Revelations 13:44 Read by Judy Guinan
The Boozing Ken Once More 19:53 Read by Judy Guinan
The Resurrection Man's History 31:25 Read by Judy Guinan
The Plot 8:00 Read by Judy Guinan
The Counterplot 20:35 Read by Judy Guinan
The Wrongs and Crimes of the Poor 21:09 Read by Judy Guinan
The Result of Markham's Enterprise 13:10 Read by Judy Guinan


A must listen! C Samuel graces first dozen or so chapters

(5 stars)

Half way through but already This novel made up of regular serials gives one so much: drama, vice, altruism, goodness, charity, intrigue, greed, violent crime, peace, mystery, surprise!, horrors, cruelty, suicide, interventions of rescue, the despicable wealth divide of the wealthy vs the working class and poor, and so on. There are so many surprises and covers so much ground regarding Victorian human nature, it ranks as one of the best novels, at least that i have ever read or heard. But also one of the best 19th century revelations of the immoratlity, corruption of that time's 1% and legal system; and how that greed, inter alia can only make the poor wretch take out their misery on each other("the pecking order)and/or violent crime on one another and the wealthy. It seems likely that George W. M. Reynolds took some devices from Dickens but I think not plagarism. Unlike Dickens, George W. M. Reynolds also a writer, went a step further by being a political activist and took his and many others revulsion toward's Victorian England's exploitation and harsh treatment of "we the people"(american term for the majority:lower middle class and worse off) through pamplets for social reform, protests in the street and to parliament(e.g.Chartist movement). Charles Dickens I think was over optimistic about charity. And charity is a very difficult almost impossible way to bring the lower classes up, the suffering tended to equally across a whole nation and effectively curb the greed and exploitation spawned by upper classes. It is not so much to blame individuals but a systemic villainy. In the early 20th century Liberal Prime Minister Herbert Asquith and two decades later Sir William Beveridge came up with the most effective idea: the welfare state. It is outrageous how beggining with the US Reagan and UK Thatcher("there's no such thing as society)that currently that both US and UK are regressing back towards to this abominable social period of the 19th century. Many of the gains due to the idea of the welfare state are being cut back, especially under the leadership of arrogant posh boy David Cameron and the sell out, reneging on all his promises for an FDR new deal President Obama. It is telling that charities are one of most outspoken against neoliberal or neoclassical live and let die economics which prevails today. Charities are the first to say they cannot handle the exponential increase of those in need due to this anti-humanity financial and economic system that is inflicted upon the US, Great Britain, and across the world wonderfully read especially by the incomparable Cori Samuel. Thank you Cori and to all the readers at Librivox and Internet Archive for the giving of your time and effort unselfishly for the benefit of many of us who can't afford audio-books for entertainment and knowledge and/or can't read very well for various reason. note:track 52, "chapter" 51 apologies for my ramble. will try to edit later.


(4 stars)

Really enjoyable. Crazy that, in a lot of ways, not much has changed (e.g. horse meat). Love all the twists and turns and connections of characters. A couple of the narrators were a little difficult to understand or didn't read some words and names quite right, but some were truly magnificent. Also I found in some parts that it went on a bit, but other parts I was gripped. All in all I can't wait for part 2.

good story, good reading, worth your 20h

(4.5 stars)

It is incredible to think that this was literature for the masses. It is a bit less intricate than Dickens, but that makes it better for listening. Most readers are brilliant.

Quite good even better than mysteries of Paris

(3.5 stars)

fascinating story. like a Dickens but without the noble poor people. These characters seem more real in their thoughts and feelings.

(5 stars)

Professionally narrated complimenting the quality of the text.