The 9/11 Commission Report
9/11 Commission
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

9/11 Commission Report, formally titled Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, is the official report of the events leading up to the September 11, 2001 attacks. It was prepared by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (informally sometimes known as the "9/11 Commission" or the "Kean/Zelikow Commission") at the request of the President of the United States and Congress.
The commission convened on November 26, 2002 (441 days after the attack) and their final report was issued on July 22, 2004. (23 hr 20 min)

A LibriVox Listener
waste of time, nothing but lies.
missing information

my review has nothing against the reader at all. With that being said there are 28 pages of this report that have been omitted due to them being labeled "classified". These missing pages prove that Saudi Arabia influenced the attack on our country as well as debunking other myths our "Officials" spoon fed us as being fact.
Thank you

On audible the this cost over 80 dollars and its free on librivox! Heck yeah!
Well now, this is something

Honestly, I don't understand how these 9/11 deniers even came to be. Who in their right mind (see how I mention nothing about people in their wrong mind, that's kind of the point here ) would think that the government would arrange this disaster...? Sure, some minuscule things in this report might be slightly incorrect, but come on. "Wake up?" It's you who need to wake up to the truth! 9/11 is terrible enough without millions of conspiracy theorists trying to muddle it up for everyone else even further. if you really believe that on September 11, 2001, the government smashed those planes into the World Trade Center, then... let me ask you this: why is the government always the bad guy? We simply have far too many conspiracy theories going on to separate the truth from fiction! I honestly cannot believe that people even think such things. Hopefully those reality deniers don't decide to deny me an earthly sense of reality by popping a piece of lead into my brain. Goodbye, reader, don't be too mad ;)
Its all true

The Communistic national Socialist Gay Homophobe
There was no cover up. Yes, we did engage in a multi-generational war against a military tactic aka ’terrorism’. That this 'war' was largely financed via debt to China should not raise any suspicion. The idea that China has bought most of the USAian government is totally preposterous. Some people think that China conned the USA into spending trillions of dollars fighting an unwinnable war while they built their economy. Those people are traitors and need to report to a Chinese indoctrination camp. There was no conspiracy. Move on. Elections are real. Politician are real. The culture war is real. It is definitely not made up theater designed by our enemies to destroy the USA from within. Now go forth and rat out your fellow citizen for impure thoughts. It is your patriotic duty. This post sponsored by Jeff Bezos

At what point do we hang the insiders for TREASON? This report is a blatant cover-op of an obvious false-flag event and a State Crime Against Democracy. (SCAD) It is hard to find anything true in here. Logically, one must come to the conclusion that the government was involved in the implementation & execution of 9/11. And now add insult to injury with this slap in the face of a report. WAKE UP AMERICANS! Remember Who You Are.
One complaint

I try not to complain about a narrator's voice, and if it was something else, this narrator's voice would be pleasant. Chapter 9.2 The narrator sounds like a sweet librarian who is reading to a group of elementary school students. It sounds like she is reading a fictional fairytale, but the words are brutal. I had to stop listening and skip to the next part because there was such a dissonance for me.

A great reading of a piece of history. It's the government commission so very detailed and interesting. The veracity of its contents is for you to decide, but worth enjoying regardless.