Letters from Mrs Palmerstone to Her Daughter, Volume One

Read by Anne Fletcher

The extended title of these volumes is 'Inculcating Morality by Entertaining Narratives”, and in the preface the Author indicates she offered them for approval to a friend who required works for girls aged twelve to seventeen that were not “too serious nor too childish....a mirror of truth and nature in which my girls may see themselves without danger to their native simplicity and without checking too harshly their natural curiosity and fancy.”
By using examples supposedly from her own experience,“ Mrs Palmerstone” provides her daughter with the moral advice thought necessary to help develop the character of a young lady , but it is never overly sweetened...the keen observation and sometimes gently biting wit of Mrs Palmerstone would not be amiss in a character from Miss Jane Austen herself. (Summary by Anne Fletcher) (4 hr 37 min)


Preface 9:33 Read by Anne Fletcher
The Spoiled Child or The History of Miss Webster 34:10 Read by Anne Fletcher
Maria Mortimer, or The Fatal Effects of Curiosity 42:02 Read by Anne Fletcher
The Influence of Bad Example; or the History of Miss Sable 39:49 Read by Anne Fletcher
Beauty and Ugliness;or the Sick Child 43:20 Read by Anne Fletcher
Family Discord; or the History of Edward and Henry 55:39 Read by Anne Fletcher
The Ball; or The History of Miss Crosby 52:37 Read by Anne Fletcher