Selection from Poems

Read by Alan Mapstone

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is often called "the father of Russian literature". He was the first great poet to write in Russian rather than other European languages. His work influenced many later 19th century Russian-language writers.

Pushkin is notoriously difficult to translate into English. The translator here states "I have translated Pushkin literally word for word, line for line. My object was to make Pushkin himself, without a prompter, speak directly to English readers." - Summary by Alan Mapstone (0 hr 55 min)


AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL POEMS: My Pedigree 4:58 Read by Alan Mapstone
My Monument 1:56 Read by Alan Mapstone
My Muse 1:21 Read by Alan Mapstone
My Demon 1:39 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Prophet 2:12 Read by Alan Mapstone
NARRATIVE POEMS: The Outcast 3:18 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Black Shawl 2:35 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Roussalka 3:54 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Cossak 3:35 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Drowned 5:01 Read by Alan Mapstone
POEMS OF NATURE: The North Wind 1:24 Read by Alan Mapstone
Winter Morning 2:21 Read by Alan Mapstone
Winter Evening 2:25 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Winter-Road 2:06 Read by Alan Mapstone
POEMS OF LOVE: The Storm-Maid 1:09 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Bard 1:17 Read by Alan Mapstone
Spanish Love-Song 1:13 Read by Alan Mapstone
Invocation 1:55 Read by Alan Mapstone
MISCELLANEOUS POEMS: The Poet 1:32 Read by Alan Mapstone
To The Poet 1:36 Read by Alan Mapstone
Insanity 2:12 Read by Alan Mapstone
Death-Thoughts 2:24 Read by Alan Mapstone
Rights 1:52 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Delibash 1:38 Read by Alan Mapstone