The Ice Queen

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.8 stars; 3 reviews)

When four young people decide to undertake a skating trek across the Arctic ice, there are sure to be adventures. Aleck becomes “Captain,” Kate makes sure everything is packed, Jim, the youngest of the family provides his sled and is useful in so many ways, Tug knows how to make “twitch-ups,” and let’s not forget Rex, the strong and fearless dog who helps fight off enemies. Ernest Ingersoll, better known for his nature books, such as “The Ocean,” and his travel accounts, such as “Knocking around the Rockies,” gives as a delightful tale of adventure, survival, and achievement for young people. - Summary by Larry Wilson (5 hr 12 min)


Thrown upon their Own Resources 7:49 Read by Larry Wilson
"The Youngster's" Plan 7:55 Read by Shelly Weingart
Fitting out the "Red Erik" 11:29 Read by Shelly Weingart
Making a Start 6:40 Read by David Lawrence
Comfort in a Log Cabin 12:53 Read by Shelly Weingart
Norse Tales 11:37 Read by Shelly Weingart
The First Day on the Lake 13:01 Read by Shelly Weingart
Jim's Rebellion 14:10 Read by Shelly Weingart
Skating by Compass 12:36 Read by Elinah Moyo
An Ugly Ferriage 6:36 Read by Joy Dunne
Camping against an Ice Wall 8:46 Read by AleeseeyaVO
Snowed Under 7:44 Read by AleeseeyaVO
Saved from Starvation 8:41 Read by AleeseeyaVO
The Arctic Visitors 7:03 Read by AleeseeyaVO
Christmas Bird-catching 15:31 Read by AleeseeyaVO
How Tug Made "Twitch-ups" 7:52 Read by Nancy Gorgen
The Breaking up of the Ice 9:53 Read by Nancy Gorgen
Rescuing the Wanderers 11:32 Read by Nancy Gorgen
Adrift on an Ice Raft 14:05 Read by Nancy Gorgen
A Night in an Open Boat 9:16 Read by Nancy Gorgen
The Escape to the Shore 4:55 Read by TR Love
Rex Fights Unknown Enemies 5:14 Read by TR Love
Exploring The Island 12:29 Read by TR Love
The Wild Dogs again 10:51 Read by TR Love
The Perils of a Midnight Search 4:05 Read by Stacey Malcolm
Finding Snow-birds and Losing the Captain 11:24 Read by Victor Seremet
Another Encounter with the Wild Dogs 14:02 Read by Katty Cuadra
The Accident Explained 8:13 Read by Rain Tree Voices
Deciding upon a New Move 7:04 Read by Leah Emery
Katy Tames the Wild Dogs 6:29 Read by Leah Emery
Abandoning the Island 8:55 Read by Nancy Gorgen
An Astonished Farmer 5:00 Read by Nancy Gorgen
The "Times" Correspondent 6:12 Read by Nancy Gorgen
A Happy Conclusion 2:54 Read by Larry Wilson