The Gem Collector

Read by KirksVoice

(4.3 stars; 14 reviews)

A common burglar, Jimmy, returns to England from New York City due to his uncle's death. He becomes involved with a former cop's daughter. Him being a jewel thief complicates the romance. - Summary by kirk202 (3 hr 38 min)


Chapter 1 9:27 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 2 11:35 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 3 14:44 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 4 14:49 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 5 13:26 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 6 11:11 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 7 12:02 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 8 11:27 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 9 7:53 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 10 10:11 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 11 9:37 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 12 8:56 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 13 11:15 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 14 6:39 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 15 15:33 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 16 9:56 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 17 11:51 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 18 10:05 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 19 11:52 Read by KirksVoice
Chapter 20 6:18 Read by KirksVoice


(3 stars)

This book definitely follows PG Wodehouse's usual story line and it is funny. But the unusual part to me is that it closely resembles the book The Intrusion of Jimmy by this same author. It even uses a lot of the same names for its characters. The supporting details for the story and for the characters differ a little though. I like The Intrusion of Jimmy a lot better though. This book (The Gem Collector) almost seems to be a first attempt and The Intrusion of Jimmy a more rounded out better written story/copy of the original??? I haven't looked up copyright dates so I have no idea which one was written first. This is only my impression after listening to both books.