They Return at Evening

Read by Ben Tucker

(4 stars; 10 reviews)

The Author of The Ghost Stories of an Antiquary in the preface to one of his books expressed his lively distaste for benevolent ghosts, and ghosts with nice minds. The author profoundly agrees with this sentiment of the master, and, furthermore, he abominates the 'natural' explanation, a poisonous anti-climax. So this much can be said for his tales, that those Who Return therein are animated by undiluted malevolence, and no iconoclastic materialist has been allowed to cast a doubt on their credentials as genuine apparitions. (Summary from Inside Front Dust Cover of 1928 First Edition) (5 hr 45 min)


That Dieth Not 48:11 Read by Ben Tucker
Or Persons Unknown 36:56 Read by Ben Tucker
"He Cometh and He Passeth By" 1:00:45 Read by Ben Tucker
Professor Pownall's Oversight 30:46 Read by Ben Tucker
The Third Coach 29:46 Read by Ben Tucker
The Red Lodge 28:37 Read by Ben Tucker
"And He Shall Sing..." 28:06 Read by Ben Tucker
The Seventeenth Hole at Duncaster 27:08 Read by Ben Tucker
A Peg on Which to Hang 27:23 Read by Ben Tucker
An Echo 27:48 Read by Ben Tucker



(4 stars)

A mix of tales , each of which held my interest to the end . Ably read, as always, by Ben. One star deducted because some endings were obvious.