Harper's Young People, Vol. 01, Issue 39, July 27, 1880

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(0.5 stars; 1 reviews)

Harper's Young People is an illustrated weekly publication for children that includes short stories, tales from history, natural history, poetry, puzzles, and other fun. This 39th issue of the serial was published on July 27th, 1880. In this issue, "The Moral Pirates" make great progress on their journey but find themselves accused of thievery in the ninth part of their story; an uncle shares the story of a now-deceased friend who once saved his life in "Poor Ben!"; and retired warhorse, "Old Hannibal", hears the call to march once more. Other highlights of this issue include a do-it-yourself guide to fire eating; a behind the scenes tour of a tea plantation in Java to see how green and black teas are made; and, the third part in "The Story of the American Navy" in which Congress is reluctant to spend money on a navy but is persuaded to do so by new threats to Americans at home and abroad. This periodical was published by Harper & Brothers, known today for their publications Harper's Bazaar and Harper's Magazine. - Summary by Jill Engle (1 hr 56 min)


Poddie and Dick at the Free Bath; Rose and Caterpillar 10:09 Read by Kishan
Visiting a Tea Plantation -- Preparation of Tea 9:18 Read by Larry Wilson
The Moral Pirates: Chapter IX; A Confession 9:33 Read by Matt Flowitt
Poor Ben! 13:38 Read by Matt Flowitt
The Story of the American Navy: Chapter III 7:50 Read by Larry Wilson
The Story of the Daisies 10:14 Read by amatoheart
Old Hannibal 7:34 Read by sforeman
Sea-Breezes; The Pitiful Hare 11:04 Read by mleigh
Our Post-Office Box 19:32 Read by BettyB
Puzzles from Young Contributors; Answers to Puzzles in No. 36; Advertisements; … 12:05 Read by BettyB
Fire-Eating; A Riddle in Rhyme 5:01 Read by Stacey Malcolm



(0.5 stars)

This book is missing all but the first two sections