The Onslaught from Rigel

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.1 stars; 7 reviews)

“Mr. Pratt is well known for .… his excellent knowledge of warfare, and what a future war might be like. In this story he combines that knowledge with a vivid and fertile scientific imagination to construct an interplanetary story …. many scientists believe that life may originally have come to earth in the form of spores, from other solar systems and other universes. We therefore might really have had our home dim ages ago, on worlds distantly removed from our earth.

The ability to travel the interstellar spaces, however, might also be possessed by other creatures—creatures driven by fear, necessity and by the will to conquer. And if they come, in mighty waves, with scientific powers far beyond us, to dominate the earth, a terrible time will face the puny human race.

And in this story they do come, and provoke some of the strangest and most exciting adventures that have yet been recorded. (Summary excerpted from the Preface.) (6 hr 49 min)


Preface 1:47 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter 1: The Onslaught from Rigel 16:29 Read by Yoganandh T
Chapter 2: A Metal Community 12:45 Read by Cbteddy
Chapter 3: Rebellion 12:10 Read by Cadence1
Chapter 4: Flight! 21:18 Read by richardwiedeman
Chapter 5: The Menace 18:45 Read by cssian
Chapter 6: The Terror by Night 15:56 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter 7: An Exploration 17:03 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter 8 The Dodos are Bombing 16:45 Read by Chris Buchanan
Chapter 9: The Opening of the Conflict 14:57 Read by Cbteddy
Chapter 10: Hopelessness 17:38 Read by sarahbond
Chapter 11: Capture 22:32 Read by James Oligney
Chapter 12: The Poisoned Paradise 22:47 Read by James Oligney
Chapter 13: The Lassan 14:44 Read by James Oligney
Chapter 14: In the Passages 16:29 Read by James Oligney
Chapter 15: The Lassan Explains 17:45 Read by James Oligney
Chapter 16: A Dash for Freedom 17:00 Read by James Oligney
Chapter 17: Marta's Sacrifice 15:19 Read by Stacey Malcolm
Chapter 18: The End of the Light-Ray 11:14 Read by twomustangs
Chapter 19: The Gravity Beam 15:32 Read by joeffl
Chapter 20: The Coming of the Green Globes 16:14 Read by Chris Buchanan
Chapter 21: Reinforcements 19:27 Read by AdamP
Chapter 22: The Great Conflict 16:15 Read by Ehsan Ahmed Mehedi
Chapter 23: Into the Depths 17:32 Read by cssian
Chapter 24: The Ending of It All 20:50 Read by James Oligney


This author has the best imagination

(5 stars)

I can hardly explain what an imaginative and bizarre story this is. After earth is invaded and earthlings take on a most disturbing appearance, they retain humanity. Ah, if only this could be true. Through ingenuity, only humans could have, our heros undergo terrible suffering. I certainly did not get bored listening. In general I do not like a variety of readers but this was mostly ok. Chapter 22 reader had a lot of background noise including a dog and children. I didn't listen to most of that chapter. Thankfully, that was the only bad one.