Hurlbut's Story of the Bible Part 5

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(5 stars; 15 reviews)

Some years ago, the editor of an English magazine sent a communication to "the hundred greatest men in Great Britain" asking them this question: "If for any reason you were to spend a year absolutely alone, in a prison for instance, and could select from your library three volumes to be taken with you as companions in your period of retirement please to inform us what those three books would be." The inquiry was sent to peers of the realm, prominent leaders in politics, judges, authors, manufacturers, merchants, gentlemen of leisure—men who would represent every aspect of successful life. In the answers it was found that ninety-eight of the hundred men named "The Bible" first on the list of the three books to be chosen. (From Book introduction) (2 hr 54 min)


The First Four Kings of Judah 9:28 Read by dolce
The Little Boy Who Was Crowned King 7:04 Read by Chrystian J. Gonzalez
Three Kings and a Great Prophet 14:28 Read by webround
The Good King Hezekiah 14:00 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
The Lost Book Found in the Temple 11:16 Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
The Last Four Kings of Judah and the Weeping Prophet 13:30 Read by John Lieder
What Ezekiel Saw in the Valley 7:34 Read by Ezwa
The Jewish Captives in the Court of the King 8:44 Read by Megan Kunkel
The Golden Image and the Fiery Furnace 6:14 Read by Sean McGaughey
The Tree That Was Cut Down and Grew Again 5:45 Read by Sibella Denton
The Writing upon the Wall 7:17 Read by John Lieder
Daniel in the Den of Lions 7:20 Read by Sean McGaughey
The Story of a Joyous Journey 8:39 Read by Laura Caldwell
The New Temple on Mount Moriah 9:13 Read by webround
The Beautiful Queen of Persia 17:36 Read by Esther
The Scribe Who Wrote the Old Testament 7:26 Read by Sibella Denton
The Nobleman Who Built the Wall of Jerusalem 11:45 Read by webround
Ezra's Great Bible Class in Jerusalem 7:02 Read by Ezwa


Forgive us Father, we know not what we do! Time is running out!

(5 stars)