Mark Twain's Partner

Read by John Greenman

(4.5 stars; 2 reviews)

In 1861, a 26-year-old Sam Clemens "went west" with his older brother Orion. By that time he'd had some experience with publishing his thoughts in local newspapers and was beginning to collect and tell stories. Orion sent him to work a silver mine that he and Calvin Higbie owned. This Saturday Evening Post article, dated September 11, 1920, paints a vivid picture of the young, soon-to-be-famous author, through the eyes of his new friend and fellow silver miner, Higbie.
- Summary by John Greenman (1 hr 19 min)


Introduction 2:51 Read by John Greenman
A Story Never Fully Told 5:02 Read by John Greenman
With the Pony Express 4:41 Read by John Greenman
A Snow Prison 4:19 Read by John Greenman
Inland Seas Left by Floods 2:49 Read by John Greenman
The Turn of the Tide 6:08 Read by John Greenman
A Persistent Visitor 4:25 Read by John Greenman
What Bothered Sam 6:56 Read by John Greenman
From Flapjacks to Flapjacks 4:43 Read by John Greenman
A Fortune Lost by Default 6:43 Read by John Greenman
The Life of the Party 6:13 Read by John Greenman
First Attempt at Literature 4:01 Read by John Greenman
Mark as a Mine Foreman 6:58 Read by John Greenman
A Private Holdup 4:36 Read by John Greenman
The Aurora Boom Collapses 4:56 Read by John Greenman
Higbie Seeks a Publisher 4:12 Read by John Greenman