Knock Three Times!

Read by Winnifred Assmann

(4.5 stars; 8 reviews)

“Jack and Molly were twins, and this was their ninth birthday. Such a happy, exciting day it had been; it felt like a birthday all day long, so you can guess how jolly it was, and how special it made Jack and Molly feel. Little did they guess what a weird and mysterious end to the day was now approaching!....
“Had Aunt Phœbe known when she bought ‘this useful little thing’ what it Really Was—could she have foreseen any of the mysterious happenings that were to follow the arrival of her birthday present—she would have preferred to send her niece half a dozen of the most jingly silver bangles ever made; for she disapproved of adventures in any shape or form, even more than she disapproved of bangles. Yet it was entirely through Aunt Phœbe that Jack and Molly took part in the adventure of the Grey Pumpkin at all.” - Summary excerpted from Chapter 1 of Knock Three Times! (5 hr 20 min)


Chapter I: Aunt Phœbe Sends a Birthday Present 5:59 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter II: The Adventure Begins 14:29 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter III: The Other Side of the Tree 14:17 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter IV: Why Old Nancy Slept through the Sunset Hour 7:35 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter V: Which Explains Who Is Inside the Grey Pumpkin 14:05 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter VI: The Black Leaf 16:59 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter VII: Glan Opens the Gate in the Nick of Time 17:48 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter VIII: Aunt Janet Puts on her Best Bonnet 16:21 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter IX: Planning the Search 17:18 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter X: Some One Meets Jack and Molly in the Third Green Lane 18:03 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter XI: Trapped 14:35 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter XII: The Goblin’s Heath 16:36 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter XIII: Timothy Gives Them a Clue 12:18 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter XIV: Mr Papingay’s House in the Orange Wood 23:38 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter XV: Jack’s Misfortune 14:01 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter XVI: Molly Accepts a Present 12:52 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter XVII: A Warning 19:47 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter XVIII: Molly Comes to Lake Desolate 12:25 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter XIX: Molly Looks Through Miss Lydia’s Window 20:58 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter XX: What Happened Outside Old Nancy’s Cottage 14:36 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter XXI: The Grey Pumpkin’s Fate 12:06 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Chapter XXII: The Impossible World Again 3:13 Read by Winnifred Assmann


(4 stars)

An excellent tale of courage, adventure, and slipping into a different world. Suitable for younger children, and the rest of us too.

loved it

(5 stars)

Nice Child like charm to the story